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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

che daily moxday, April, ic. 1877 FOUND GUILTY. PITTSBIRGHERS' rREDlCA J1KT-Narrow Escape oflTsehoyer ALl.ECiHENV 101TY DEMOCRACY. Meeting of the Count)- Executive Committee. MVER INTELLIGENCE.

I-oeai Observation. OrincE of th Orservkr, F. S. Sio. 1 KOOM 'il, Fl HST TIOS A A K.

PiT-rsucniiH. April IS. gailu Monday, April 16, 177. wir Mile Time. Kar Th'r.

Hum. Iiir. pr. Vve'r. a.

m. ay i 7i iv i 6 Clear Jr.a...'.''.c: e-2 i'v'w' a Clear. p. m. 1 Clear.

A llaacrrons Ride. Shortly after nine o'clock last night a runaway occurred on Fifth avenue extension by which several parties were more or less injured and one man named Snyder seveiely. Six men occupied a barouche and the horses either ran away or the parties were racing our informant could not tell which. At the inte se of Hiland avenue-- a wheel broken off the vehicle, the men were thrown out and barouche was demolished. Three of tho men ere hurt, aud Snyder quite severely.

He was taken to his home at Soho in a streetcar. The rig belonged to a liverv stVble. Sew Styles CARPETI8GS is' Open. OUR SPRING STOCK OF OIL CLOTHS, Comprises the Latest Novelties and Styles introduced at home abioad," and in extent aud variety surpasses all competition in this market. An Elegant line of Private Designs on Exhibition, and not to he found elsewhere.

OLIVER M'GLINTOCK 85 Smitlifield Street, Largest stock ii Piflsoinsli DRY GOODS G. BOHLEITEE'S, 1 STO. 9 MAEKET STREET. We take Pleasure in announcing that our Stock of Spring Goods is now Opened. We call attention to the following iTwo Caies Striped ffiatelase Ponlins At aoc, a trreat hartal n.

BROCADES IN ALL SHADES. Colcrefl anil BlacS: Cashmeres 40 inches wide, at 3.e. ALL-U00LCASIIJ1FRES 10 inches wfte, hlaclr and colored, from 1 33c to ft SO. Sili Wars CasSmeies anl Eenristta Clotts. il as.

it SO il 75 a.d 3 OO. i In our SUIT 1IKPARTME.NT we show a Garments, mil Sells. Hmfuli sal Basins, In Orai3 Olotn, Ftiular.i L.iu- pnj. Brocade snd Aipncae. SILK Sl'lTsi.

cleirantiy made, Prince-'Pe ptvle nt 24. a bnrrf-Rin. FK4'VI K3 50 I I'. 3 cses hie miilul Perr-ales at ier yard, i UF ALL KlXUS. Tu (iiilwrlborn.

our subscribers who fail to re-ci ivo Tiik Post in gixnl time will confer a f.ivor by leaving word at this office, so that the paper may be promptly and regularly 1 slivered. LOCAL. ItUIF.l'N. hidir.iiions fur Tn-lay "Warmer and tli ar or partly cloudy weather with light southeast to Bouthwost, winds and slowly lulling barometer during the day. It is rumored that the United is abont to Swallow the Kama' J'ipe line.

Sriuiil-'K and Morris make their second deposit to-day for the coming race. Tn stockholders of the Kal1" met at Philad.lnhia to-Uay HSMi ill M.rl;im1.M., Saturday, 11 I 111 thfl T-m of rittsburSh wan out of Commerce Directors half nasi two oYlock this after- Tin. Iinqnoiie Greys will decide this evening whether to expel several members or nor. Tin; Water Extension Committee will make smother attempt to get a quorum to mocow evening. Tun Liberty stockyard peorle want a tire alarm box.

There is none within half a mile tf the yards. Jamks "Whkat the colored racer and Thomas Dudley will indulge in a race toddy for a side. The McKeesporters will hold a public meeting this evening to consider the new wa er works question. CorNClL meets to-day and Common. Council on Wednesday to consider the new loan ordinance.

Tn alumni of the Western Theological Seminary will hold an important meeting on Wednesday morning. FirTY dollars was stolen from the overcoat pocket of Mr. Bender, an East End Htorekecper, a day or two since. 1'knn avenue and Fifth avenue extension were crowded ilh fast teams and fancy rigs all day long yesterday. The committee of Wool Growers meet at Steubenville tomorrow to oornplete ar rangements for the new warehouse.

The dwelling of Fred Motts in Versailes township was destroyed by fire one day last week. The loss is put at TiiiCTYof the 1-Menburg beer guz.lers l.ave disclaimed allegiance ts the Murphy society in a series of humorous resolutions. Pkomkn AtiEHi were out in full force yesterday. It was the finest day of 'the season and was another of the seven Sundays too. A ri it of clothes, a sitver watch chain and Sundry other articles were stolen from Hiertz's saloon No.

avenue during Friday tiight. The Mayor shipped four out of thirteen cases to the Workhouse on Saturday and passed judgment on fourteen cas- yesterday morning. Ilt'HiM; the present year there have been rct-ived at the East Liberty stockyar-'s 74s bead of stock of all kinds, an increase of 747 tor the same period last year. The Emerald Senate, composed of delegates from the various branches of the Emerald Henevoletit and Literary Union of this county, has been reorganized. The public patch honored with the high sounding title of Second Avenue Park is looming up Gardeners were at work in it for a couple of days last week.

The body of Henry Hazen, who met his death at the St. Louis tire, passed through the city to New Castle on Saturday, in charge of the deceased's wife ami brother-Mr. A. L. IJazen, of New Castle.

Fli 'M injuries received by falling off the sidewalk at Mcl.augh lin'w burnt district at Parkers, A. 15. Haelscherof this city, died at the latter place on Thursday. There is talk of suing the city fur damages. A dirty scrap of paper found in a City Hall water ch set has been agitating the young men of a couple of our contemporaries.

A clause on the scrap vaguely hinted at suicide, and tho young men "took it in." An impostor who represented that lie as connected with the Benedictine Order ut St. Vincent's, near Latrobe, was run out of Johnstown the other day. His plan is to sell cheap religious prints at enormous prices. Tin: following directors have been elected for the ensuing year for the City Deposit and Trust Company: Thomas Brown, J. W.

Tim, Henry Herr, G. G. Negley, Thos. Mellon, J. S.

Strickler, S. N. Wickershani, N. McClarran, II. C.

McFarland. Tiii.i-.E is a row among the Fire Commissioners. It is alleged that one member ordered the purchase of feet of a particular kind of hose which costs more anil is less valuable than the kind generally in use. and that he did so in order to give a friend a chance. The Scbenley leaseholders of the Twelfth ward the other night denounced the high rates imposed upon, them, and have called a general meeting of all the leaseholders in the city for Wednesday evening next.

O. I', lliitcb, Eaip, agent of the Schenley estate, will meet with the leaseholders to Mi hii amicable settlement if possible. A voi German, couple, on their wedding trip from New York to Kaunas city, were robbed at Altoona of their tickets and all their money, amounting to $175, by a sleeping car thief on Saturday morning. They did not discoerthe robbery until the train had nearly reached this point. The railroad ollicials ticketed them through.

The management of the new Pittsburgh Exposition Society have issued a circular setting forth the fact, that the new has been shorn of all the dark tricks and vain ways of the old exposition organization. The new society holds forth at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, Germania bank building, where all communications should be addressed. A lot of Cochin chickens were stolen from lr. Sample's coup at Wilkinsburg borne time since. On Saturday the doctor was out riding with his little son, when the little fellow declared he heard "their old roosfcT crowing." Investigation developed the physician's chickens in an Easter Eud-er's coup, and the former coolly removed the fowls to their old home.

AT an enthusiastic meeting at Middl -town, opposite Neviile Island, held on Fri day night, in tiie interest of the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Kailroad, it was announced that the final returns from the gentlemen appointed to solicit subscriptions would bt made next Saturday, when the exact status condition of affairs will be made known. The season having closed at the Opera House so far as the company is concerned the members have formed a little combina -ill do the oil regions. The com 11ULI, 111' comprises the following persons a Wvndham. Alice Hastings, Willa Lnuig, Mrs. E.

K. Holmes, stock well. Standish, and Messrs. Hicks and a No. SO MAEKET STREET.

Justice Sterrett was home yesterday. Aid. J. P. Heisel has left the city for an extended trip through Colorado.

J. 15. Williams, of Mount Moriah I.odge No. 3G0, I. O.

O. has been elected I. D. (1. M.

of this district. Mr. Trevor McClurg, the well known artist of this city, with his family, has taken up his residence at Chambersburg, Pa. Alex. G.

Cochran attended the in-Hiiest on the body of Mikesell, at Oil City, on Saturday. He will lie leading counsel in the trial of J. M. Carson for killing Mikesell. S.

B. Conover, United States Senator from Florida, was in the city yesterday. He took tea at the Seventh Avenue Hotel and parsed ou his trip to the land of Flowers. Mr. Geo.

Wolf, who kept a bakery establishment on Fifth avenue extension, died at his residence early yesterday morn ing. Mr. Wolf was one of the pioneer Germans who settled iu the vicinity of "Kiceville He leaves a wife and several grown-up daughters. Kev. Dr.

Ii. P. Killikelly, one of the oldest Kniscopal clergymen in Pennsylvania, died at Kittaiining on Wednesday. He was born in the Island of Iiarbadoes, in 1H0T, came to America iu 182(i, and to Kit-tanning in lS'St. Ha was prominently identified with the denominational educational institutions, and founded several seminaries in different sections.

He also organized five churches during his life. He served as Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, A. Y. M. Mr.

D. Sollenberger, formerly connected with The Post composing room, has recently purchased the Watsontowu of Watsontown, Northumberland county. It presents the appearance of a live locil paper, neat in its make-up and is spicy in its contents. We wish Mr. Sollenberger the greatest success iu his new enterprise, lie possesses all the rpialifica-to publish a good county newspaper, and deserves the patronage of the people of of Northumberland county-.

Gen. and Mrs. U. S. Grant arrived in the city from Chicago at V2.21 P.

and left, for Washington, at 5:32 P. on Saturday. They were received at the depot, by Gen. J. B.

Sw-eitzer. and enjoyed a drive through Pittsburgh and Allegheny during their brief stay. One of the evening paper scribes attempted an interview with the ex-President, but he claimed as the privilege of a private citizen the right to hold his tongue, and refused to speak on what the interviewer considered tho live topics of the day. Among the guests at the I'nion Depot Hotel during Saturday and Sunday were the following: A. L.

Hazen, New Castle; Ii. Clark aud O. L. Ciark, Washington; Henry Uumbaugh and wife. Mount.

Pleasant; W. Spencer, Krie; IL W. Sterrett, Titusville; 1. Patterson Sterrett, Cambridge, M. J.

Heywang, Titusville; W. S. Prundred, Oil" City: Joseph F. Flynn, F.mlenton. S.

S. Moftitt, Indiana: A. Dawson, Columbus, O. K. L.

Glasgow. Johnstown S. G. W. J.

F. Clialfaur, St. Petersburg; Kx-President Grant and wife. Among the guests at thi St. Clair Hotel yesterday were: Alfred Short, of the Lastem part of this State; H.

H. Hanover, John M. Iienman, Cincinnati; P. M. Smith.

Neniith, Warren, Pa. The following are railway officials: Georce Kherhard, Henry McMnllen, of the Pitts- otiroh and Sr. Jouis Hallway, and Iienry Mclvinnie, of the Httshurgh and Cincin nati Pailway. A.t the Seventh Avenue Hotel were reg istered: A. F.

Clinton and sns, Clinton ville Pa. and Marv H. P.rown, Kit tanning; Juiius M. Mvers, New York, and S. Conover, S.

Senator from Florida TH Ol'KT-S. The past week ha been one during hich the ever watchful eye of the public has lieen directed to the proceedings in the Criminal Court, and consequently little interest has been taken except by those concerned of the doings in the other courts. However, nothing of great signiri cam was overlooked, since little in which Ihe public generally is interested was dis-p. sed of. on rt Atr.

Iu the Orphans' Court, the Church trial, the particulars of which were given last week, is still pending. A motion for a new trial was made the slander suit of A. T. Kowaud vs. Geo.

W. Ih Camp, by the plaintiff. The King-McFwen homicide case, which took place ou I.ilierty street recently, ill le taken up in the Criminal Court to-day, and will probably lie succeeded by the O'Mara case. The follow ing geul'iemen having acquit ted themselves satisfactorily l-efore the Itoard of Examiners, were admitted to practice iu the county courts: Perciva! Hendersou, John M. Mitchell, West Mc- Murray, S.

A. Will, W. J. Curran, O. S.

Uicbardson and George Hersh. Council No. 17, Sons of St. Joseph, was granted a charter of incorporation in Common Pleas No. 1 on Saturday.

The organization is a beneficial one. Court Kerord-Saiordny. tit' AKTFK SFSSIONS Jt dok F.h i vo. Samuel Me Ma-ters wan convicted as accessory het re and alter the tact, and placed la jail lor m.

Thomas, who pleaded 1 fornix ft received the usual a rhary sentence. ot TlllAL I.1ST FOK TO-IIAY. Commonwealth rr. T. J.

Kcennn, Charlr." Kean. .1. Kedpath et Zuir. John Chcs, A. 1 liowand.

Win. T. li. Welsh. COMMON" N't i.

1 ICIXIES Stin Col. Kit I KrtEBM.15. A motion tor a new trial ex parte plaintiff was file in the case of I owand v.leOaiB. A peiiiiiin tor ar.ivor. was tiled hy Kichard Huiulv anamst I'riscilla Huntly his wi e.

Co rjinonweaith. tr ret. vs. I'asper etc ley. writ iunutii otnmtirciKla m.

B. Negley appointed onimttceaiid dire' ted tonoeliouj Willi sureties 111 the a i ocnt ot noo. lmitarv of Pr. John Prechinent. ci I John M-ci'onncll.

with S. i. Marshall and Tho. McConne 1 a.3 sureties approved In the sum ol 4.uoo. Tit! A LIST FOR TO-PAY.

Pittshurirh Baltimore Coal, Coke and Iron Co. vs. (mersoii: 1 lev In vs. rzzaiu et al: lirape At Co. vs.

Henderson et al Wier vs. Lewis: alters vs. Wolf. Walters Co Hick- son vs. Woods.

Jhtlstmrith anonai iik oi omineree vs. omniereial Ha Pittst.urith Opera House vs. Whitfnac i Kurdoii vs. lliindlin et Evans vs. stone: Hir- haiurh, IWathias Owens ts ritisiniriiii and I'onneilsville Company: ei ux.

vs Steel etal; Ilewald vs. Ilrudy: norland vs. (rriflith, ifnrmshee: Hope vs. Aiurel is Blake Miiinilacturinir t'ompat'M Hee-e, ttratf Woods v. A.

J. Nellia Si Co. COMMON PI.KAS NO, 2-Jl'DK9 KlUK- PTItlCK AM U1TK. Leave to make a voluntary assinnincnt was f.elitioiHd tor Samuel C. liner, drained, unit ThoniMS I.

MoiSan appointed assignee. Addison Chihls s. St Peter's Church. Allegheny. and reasons lor a new trial Died.

TRIAL 1.1 ST FOK TO-DAV. Crehan et al. vs. of Pittsburgh: Imuran v. Hums: I.ove etal.

vs. Baker: Holtshouse vs. kininiz; starrv Brown Hlaekmore is. Lnnpert: KiBl'itmeiser for Use vs. IWcister: Kdner is, Wlntuev, (assignee): Columlua Insurance Coinpanv vs.

all; Same vs. I 'oliins: same s. Bates: MYHrier, trustee, vs. Blast Furnace Krec-tion Company; same v. Dr.

Hartmeyer; Jones vs. Kiitifs et nl. Knfihtif Honor. The first lwlge of the Knights of in this city was organized the Last lihi week with the following officers: Airrea Matthews, past ilictutor; M. ucKett, ilietator: 11.

V. Humbert, vice-dictator; 1.. L. Ferguson, assisant ilietator; J. Vt.

liau- soiii, chaplaiu; A. Crawford, guiae, j. L. ihertson. renorter: K.

M. treasurer; J. P. Gelstou, W. Ix.gan, sentinel.

This order, which in only aboi four years old, uow numbers some 20,0 i members. It is a beneficiary order, andjiavs to each menilier's widow at his death, which amount is made up by assessments upon the members. A I.lvlarpf'lriii. Owing to the fine stock and low Trices, the i.tii,iiuv0 t.v Lnzear. Fmnell and 48 Sixth street, has been one of Ihe busiest places iu the city miicc u.e spring teason began.

Buyers have evidently come to a wise conclusion as to carpets, and have thronged this store cominu-ouslv. It is oulv noi es-iry "tote that in on? rfaii the firm'- ah otcd up This is ihe verv eimfidiinent of success, and shows what the above-named judiciously combined can accomplish. Iu these tirms it "is refreshing to note these tacts, and we commend our readers to this house. Burt MboeB. Kelucetl Priws.

Wolff McKaig, Sixth street. up From the St. Loan mwt. 1 arn arrive! Mr. Sol.

lioyer auu from St. Louis on Saturday. a reft 4 Kepfc K'. long tue at his tor- from nis in and answering quesuous tire. Mr.

Schoyer and hi mate esca', c.mceniing the i hiii oi sixteen, iwunieu son :s.iini':, couiMiuuicating rooms on the third floor of Southern Hotel. Their rooms fronted on Fifth avenue aud Walnut street. Mr. Schoyer had been very busily engaged during the day before the fire, and was quite weary and well prepared for a sound sleep, when tho hour came for retiring. During the night he was awakened by a noise which he thought resulted from a street fight.

Arising he peered out the window to discover crowds of excited men hurrying too and fro and the steamers playing. He thought the fire might possibly endanger the hotel and awakened his son. The lad went to secure the boots, which had been left in the hall-way, and upon opening the diKir a heavy volume of smoke rushed into the room At the same time a man rushed along the hall-way Uling to them to leave the room, that, the hotel was on fire and they had scarcely a moment to spare. L'ntil this time they had not appreciated their danger. They both slipped into their pantaloons and boots, and the father secured his watch and money, at the same time telling his son to go aud declaring that he would follow in a moment.

The lad replied that he would wait until his father was ready, and closing the lid of his trunk and hastily snatching their cots from the wardrobe, the father hurried out into the hallway by the side of his boy. The dense smoke bad extinguished the gas in the hall and they groped their way along til'Jthey found the ladies' entrance. The attorney was about to turn in one direction but his son assured him that was not the way to go aud following the latter's advice they made good their escape. Ily this time the upper stories had been burned to ruins and pieces of barnin wo fell about them as they made their escape. Had the lad followed his father's advice the latter would most probably have gone in the wrong direction, and lost his life.

The young man had been loitering about, the hotel during the day, while Mr. Schoyer was taking testimony, and thus had much better opportunity to take the bearings of the place. Mr. Schoyer says the alarm had lieen sent into the fire department fully an hour before he was aroused and then he was only accidentally awakened not at the instance of the hotel management. From the report published on Saturday to the effect that the hotel people at first tried to extinguish the tiames themselves, neglecting to send in an alarm until the fire bad gotten considerably beyond their would seem that Mr Schoyer and his son were allowed to slumber near! au hour and a half hile the building was burning about them.

Doubtless ether guests were subjected to the same neglect, and possibly lives may have Iteen lost from it. Shortly after their escape the Pitt--burghers proceeded to the Lindel! Hotel, where, strange to say, their trunks turned up in the afternoon following but. not until they had laid in a full supply of linen. Mr. Schoyer's oniy Ioss was a satchell and its contents which were not very valuable.

Frank Tiernan, another Pittsburgher who barely escaped with his life was not so fortunate, be having lost SW. St II A ii Axed I. aily, While Laborinr 1'ndcr Temporary Elt of I nanlty, flame Ilereir About four o'clock yesterday afternoon the residents in the usually quiet neighlor- hood of Pike street, Allegheny, were startled by the announcement that an aged German lady named lirummel, residing with her daughter at No. 1'-', bad bung herself. No sooner had the report been sent abroad than crowds of people began to gather about the house, to find the rejnirt to be only too true.

It appears that the l.vly hail been indisposed for some time, whii.h frequently led her to wander in her mind. On this account her daughter, who is about twenty years of age, kept a careful wafch over her movements. When yesterday afternoon she left the house to lie absent for a few hours she requested a neighlioring lady to remain with her mo her, which the latter consented to do and diil so until she had occasion to leave the house for a few moments. returning she found the doors locked. She knocked for fully ten minutes, but no answ-r.

Her next step was to call her husband who forced the door o-n aud proceeding to the kitchen was horrified to find the body of Mrs. 15. suspended from the ceiling. On making an examination it was found sue had hung herself by placing a broom handle in a horizontal jKisition Vietween two rafters and attaching one end of a clothes line to this and the other eud around her neck. She was ixty years of age and leaves an only daughter.

The Coroner held an in quest last evening and rendered a verdict iu accordance to the facts mentioned. I I HE IX A I.I.I II EX T. The Corpne or a Female 51 ake a Nar row Escape from Bnriilnr. The Lechler family, at No. M3 Pike street, Allegheny, met with a sad misfortune on Saturday by the death of the mother.

After the members had recovered from the midden grief which the death of one so dear had occasioned, they proceeded to mak preparations for the burial accord ing to the rites of the catholic Chuichi The customary candles were placed at the head of the coffin and during the whole of Saturday night kind friends remained at the residence. I leav ing the house at day break.the room in which teh corpse was lying was vacated, the members of the family be ing in the kitchen, but the can dies were left burning. While the fam lly was eating breakfast about eight o'clock they were startled by the discovery of smoke issuing from the department iu which the irpse was. Proceeding to the room almost suffocated by the smoke, they saw flames creeping along the walls, aud all the drapery about the casket already destroyed. They immediately took the corpse out of the room aud found that the casket had been ignited, but not enough so to do material damage.

A Babooek Fire Extinguisher was brought into service fr in the Grant Engine house, ana hid names werrf soon extinguished. The loss will prob ablvr each SI 00. is IS WAY. A Horse Attached to a IliiKify 'lanes Fright and Danlirs llnmi Ohio St. Allegheny still maintains the lead as the champion third-class city for runaways.

Vesterdav afiernoon. as Mr. Charles Weli- ner and Charles Johnson were ariving along Ohio street in a buggy, one of the wheels of the vehicle snapped off as the ntlemen were driving from one track to another. The animal becoming frightened, began to run, dragging Mr. Wehner, who was driving, over the dashboard, injuring him quite severely about the leg and ankle.

He was picked up, and conveyed to his home, where medical aid soon reached him. Mr. Johnson escaped without any injury. The buggy was considerably damaged. The horse, which darted down the street, was shortly after captured.

The Oil ity Miootintr. Only circumstantial evidence has thus far been elicited against James M. Carson, who shot Mikescll at Oil City the other day. The Coroner mijuest was begun on Friday might, and Mrs. Carson was examined, but she asserted that she didn't see I her husband shoot the deceased.

The Coroner's jury adjourued without rendering a verdict. The body of Mikesell has been removed to his late home in Ohio. Bart fsboci Wear longer and fit better than any others. Reduced prices. Wolff McKaig, 56 Sixth street.

ll-14t is Termination of the Kavanansh Case. JIcMaslerK Convicted of Accessory and After the Fact. Judge Rwlnx'n hare to theJnry notion for Sett Trial. in the trial of McMasb having submitted the case to the lire l.wllif Uirv on rio.iy shortly after the reconvening of court on F'e in spoke of the crime with which the defendant was quoting from the indictment, after which lie read from the act of Assembly under which the indictment n-as found. The jury must first consider, said the judge, the question as to whether the crime was committed at all or not.

They must be sat isfied beyond a reasonable doubt that such a crime had lieen committed. If they had a reasonable doubt on this question they could go no further, but must rind a verdict of not guilty. The Court reviewed the tes timony offered by the Commonwealth in regard to the alleged intimacy of the defendant with the deceased. It was claimed by the Commonwealth, as to this intimacy, that it tended to show a motive on the part of the defendant for the commission of the crime. That testimony, the Court said.

might show a motive, but that alone would not be necessary. to convict the defendant. Regarding Iiafferty's testimony, tl Court said that, it was for the jurv to de cide how mncb. if any, they should be lieve, and if any, what part. Accord i to contradictory testimony of the physicians, the Court said, on account of their existing a jealousy Vietween the new and old schools, the jury was not obliged to accept their theory.

The points published with the proceedings of the trial were then taken up. The first, second, fifth, sixth and seventh were affirmed. The third and fourth were afrtrmed after being somewhat modified. As to the insinuation that there was danger of the jurors being influenced by outside opinions, the Judge said he did not believe it. Of the manner in which the death was caused, it was immaterial the Judge said, whether it was by the means of instruments, drugs, or by any other means.

It was sufficient for the jury to be satisfied that it was committed, the indictment not specifying any particular means, but including all. The testimony was referred to impar tially, and the whole charge was taken a-a very fair one. The delivery of it occupied about one hour's time. At twenty minutes to eleven the jury retired, and returned a few minutes before twelve, with a verdict of guilty accessory before and after the fact. During the absence of the jury, the defendant w.i seated in thejnry box on the north side of the room, with his son Jimmy.

It is stated that, he was confident of acquittal, and therefore did not leave the court room, but it was observed that his bondsman wa-also there, accompanied by an officer, from which it was inferred that they would have taken him in charge had he made an effort to leave. As soon as the jury hail l-et seated, MeMasters took a seat at the reporters' table, almost directly opposio from where he as sifting. His feelings from that moment, until the ireman of the jury handed the envelope containing the verdict, can better be imagined thai described. If sat watching every moti -i of the jury, and nerv.msly drumming with his fingers on the table. Finally the vi lict mentioned alsjve was announced the clerk.

A moment's consultation between the counsel followed when Mr Reardon stated that, he ished to make a motion for a new trial, and would file hi- reasons in a few ivs. Jude Ewing tliep directed that the defendant be remanded f. jail until his case could be disposed of. The severest punishment, hich may inflicted for the offence of which McMa. ters has been convicted is a tine of "Sou and imprisonment for seven years.

The law does not separately fix he penalty for ai -eessory, but the counsel for the Commonwealth state that the defendant may le punished on each of the two counts separately, which would make fourteen years' imprisonment and a fine of 5 1 ,000, if Le were given the full extent of the law. The time for the trial of I'r. Gilmore has not yet been determined upon. AJ.Ll.UIIK.M. Mayor Phillips disposed of five common cases yesterday morning.

I. Wieble, chief of the carrier department of the Postofiice, has licen made the happy father of a eleven pound boy. Mr. A. Holscher, who some time ai sustained an injury on his limb by a fa died la-t week at his residence on Tro Hill, from the effects of the ound.

Much interest is felt by lovers of bah piayiug in the tirst championship game, which is to lie played between the Alie- ghenys and Ludlows of Cincinnati on Wed uesday next. Thieves entered the grocery store oi Mr. Howard ISoyd, corner of Hnyl and Hemlock streets, Allegheny, and carriei off some change, tobacco and cigars amounting in all to about ilTj. Ou account of the loss of in ami Dolan, pitcher and catcher of the A l'e ghenys, the St. Iouis lieds have disbanded, and will not, go into the field this season.

These two ball tossers, who played with the latter club last season, were considered the experts of that nine, This evening a special meeting of th Finance Committee will be held for the purpose of ordering the printing of the or diuance authorizing the issuing of Troy Hill bonds, which ill to lie tak-n up ai the special meeting of Couucils ou Thurs day. Following are more business returns T. W. Irwin (galvanized work), 817,780: I). W.

Huntsman (furniture), S. White (drugs), Euwer Long, (drv eoods). SP.t.017; W. H. Walker (soap), Lilleter sV Daum (hard ware), 15,500 P.

Kremple (grocer), 510,000. Itjwill be remembered that at the meet ing of Councils last week an ordinance was offered by Mr. McKelvy, providing for the pulling of disorderly houses by the polite. This has given rise to souie discussion as to the constitutionality of such an act, and on this ground the ordinance will lie opposed when presented for consideration. The Poor Board is in receipt of a letter from the Mayor of Salinevilie, Ohio, who states therein that one John Feldcamp of Allegheny, came there to lecture on temperance, took the small-jiox and died, and desires to know if the city of Allegheny will not pay the funeral expenses which nounted to SJ52 The letter will be considered at the next meeting of the Board.

Suit was instituted before Alderman Edgar by Frank Jacobs, on Saturday, against Iiobert Mcintosh, Joseph Clark, Robert Diel, Jos. Fogle- and Albert An drews for the larceny of a roll of carpet valued at 100. Fogle, Clark and Andrews were arrested and after a hearing the latter was discharged. Clark was committed in default of S500 bail, and Fogle was held in $100 to appear at the trial as State evidence. Atiempel Suicide.

A tramp giving the name of Frank Gus- tave attempted suicide at the Union Depot on Sat urday night. An attache of the depot saw bim iu the act of shooting himself, and making a grab at the pistol, thrust bis hand between the hammer and nipple. Tho young lierman was aiterwarus to the lock-up. Poverty drove him to the attempt, he says. Ileal on (lie Kail.

An nnknswn man walking on the P. E. track at Wall's Station on Saturday nktht. was struck by the Fast Line going east and as literally cut to pieces, 1 ho remains were dertaking estamisnmem, here they await identincauou. Primaries to Ktt Itelrt on the 21st and the Conventions! on the 2 lib Inst.

Pursuant to call the Democratic County Committee met at the St. Charles Hotel at eleven o'clock on Saturday morning. There was a pretty full attendance of delegates, over forty districts being represented. The meeting was called for the purpose of fixing the time for holding the different Conventions at which delegates are to be e'e for the coming State Democratic Convention. The date and place for the latter Convention have not been arranged e' howevt r.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman J. K. I. Duff and Arthur Fitzpatrick acted as Secretary. After the call of the roll the object of the meeting was stated by Chairman Duft' and Mr.

A. J. Diglcy the following: Rrynlvtft, Tfiat ttn prinn.ri" th election oi delegates to the Sanatoria! anil ative for the purpose oi ileleirates to the St te 'unvent ton. tic held en Snturtbiy, Aurii 1, frum five to seven oYh' 1'. 31.

in tii! ty. ami Iro-n lour t- six oVhiek 1' M-in the country disTrif's, That The meet on April si I lows The Forty-second Siemit rial dLat-ict shall moot in the Select Council Allegheny Citv, at 11 o'clock A. aud one delegate to th.e ite Convention. The Forty. third "hall meet in the Scte-t 'ouncd tamtier.

Municipal thill. Hittphuozh, nt 11 o'clock A. M. and select one delegate to the State Convention. The Forty-iounh Senatorial district shall meet in the Common Council etcnuher.

Municipal Hall, at 11 o'clock A. ami select one delegate to the Stale Convention. The Forty-fifth Senatorial district shall meet In SilisiiUl'V Hall. SiHtlh ShIp. at 11 o'clock A.

and select one delegate to the Stale Convention. 1 he Kirt E-ecishitire district shall meet in the Common Council chandler. Al'eirheny City, at lo oek A. and three delegates to the Slate Convent The Second I.ciiisiativedistrict Fhnll meet St the St Charles Hotel, ut o'clock I. and select two delegates lo the State Convention.

The 1 lord l.cirisbitive disinct stull meet at the Kalston ecliool douse, at lo o'clock A. -M-. and sciect one deh-u ite to he State invention. The. Fourth 1 district shall meet tn the Common Fleas Court room No.

at 11 o'clock A. and select tour delegates to the State Convention. 1'ne Filth I.eifi-iative district shall meet in the Common l'lc-- 'ourt room No. 11 o'clock A. Tl nd select two deiei.rtes to tile State Convention.

The Sixth TeTiMative district shall meet in Salisbury Hail. South Sale, ut 11 o'clock A. and select two uclcuutesu the State Couvetitioii. H40lfd, Thut tor the purpose ot" tacihtiiunir husiness arid insuring older, tlie Chairman the committee il cs innate i call to order each ol the dfllcrenl conventions. The resolutions were adopted.

Mr. W. V. r.i-a leil ottered a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee of seven, two from the county and live from the two cities, to draft resolutions for the government of the county Democracy in the future. Mr.

V. J. lrennan moved to amend by making the committee, consist of one representative from each Senatorial and ICepre sentative district in the county. The amendment was carried and the resolution as amended was then adopted. The committee will lie anuounotsMiereafo-r.

Mr. Morton uriter next offered a resolution fixing Saturday, April L's, as the day for the primaries, and Tuesday, May 1, as the day of the Convention for nominating a candidate for District Attorney, Assistant District Attorney and Directors of the I'oor. The resolution as adopted. Mr. J.

11. Lark in mined that a special Convention he, held at which a candidate shall nominated fr Jude. The motion was adopted, when a discussion as to the time fur holding the Convention. It was finally decided, on motion of Mr. S.

F. Patterson, that the Convention shall 1m-held on the same day ith that called to nominal! caudidiiies for Di.miet Attorney Assistant District Attorney. The conn nittee ad; mrr.ed without fixing it wire li th--Convention shall lie the place he'd. i U'EBA llm sr. Manager (iotrhold was tendered a grand complimentary tam-tit on Saturday evening, when "Not so Black as He's Painted" was given in addition to a performance by the Stephen V.

Foster Ser-eiiaders. There was a very large audience present, 'i his loi the grand play of from Nibio's iar-den, Nfff York, will be ihe attraction. It comprises ojn-ra, drama, ballet and spectacle, but its strong jM'int consists of its HiH'otacular beauty. It has met with great favor at Nibio's, arid comes here without any change from its rcpr'-semat ion at that theater. A tine array of have hnn fir its rvpreseWation.

I.ikkakv Hall. Harrison Two Or phan Combiuation cuinmence an engagement here this evening. This is the only troutie authorized bv ShM.k I'aiiuer to produce the play throughout the country. I. aura Alln-rta, who plays the blind girl, has appeared in the character over three hundred times, and has added to her reputation by her finished ei f'ormance of the part.

She has been with the combina tion two years, as has Alice Harrison, who plays urif 'fc in an unusual: line man ner. The company is composed of excellent artists all of whom have had long experience in the piece. I'nioirtKss. The management i this great moral show have been induced to remain at the Academy of usic another eek and those wfio desire to see a beautiful illustration of the immortal work should not fail to attend. Maii nees will lie given on Wednesday and Saturday.

Sitiov. On Monday next Adam Forepaugh's show will exhibit at 1'ast I.ilierty. The menagerie contains more curiosities and the circus more and better performers than any show i.n the road. On Tuesday of next week the show exhibits between Thirty first and Thirty-secoinl streets, on the South Side May 'J, and in Allegheny at I'nion Park, on Thursday, Friday aud Saturday, May 3, 4 and 5. lii-ii's Lki tchk.

i iiir readers should not forget that Ihe sale commences this morning at. W. W. Kdgar's, No. 75 Fifth avenue, for reserved seats for P.eeob-er's lecture.

Application for reserved seats by mail may lie addressed to Postofiice Pittsburgh, aud will receive attention iu the order of their arrival, beginning at the same time with the gen-tra! sale of seats this morning at nine o'clock. MuliF.l, Aktists. At the Fourth Ave- nue theater, the falcons troupe of Living Statue Artists, will inmence a week's engagement this evening, with grand mat mces Wednesday and Saturday after noons. This combination is considered the most highly sciisationel attraction ever offered to the public gaze, lieside the Statue Troupe they have with them a tirst- class variety company, including minstrels, specialty artists and dancers. The prices of admission are exceedingly low 1," lir, anil 50 cents hich is sure to pack the house each evening.

A free show in front of the theater everv evening is ottered bv the management. Tarttot onlcst. The militia will have their animal tar get contest for the celebrated "Johnston medal," at Fast Lilierty, on Wednesday next. Capt. W.

Aull, Co. DuqueMie Greys, invites all companies who intend participating to assemble at his armory at 1)4 P. to proceed from there to the grounds selected. Captain Aull also made arrangements to provide each company with fifty rounds of ammunition for the occasion. The medal is now in posses- sion of Captain Archibald, Company Nineteenth llegliiieut, of Allegheny City, having been won by a member of his com pany last year.

AVanled Here. The police authorities received intelli gence yesterday that a woman named Fva Kirtland and a man na.ned Porter were arrested at Kmlenton ou 1- riday, both of whom are wanted here. The latter es caped from an whhe on his way to the Woikhouse, and was subsequently ar rested, and jumped his bail. The woman wanted on a charge ot neepitig a bawdy house in Lawreni eville.

Dr. Keyser cuieil mo of deafuessiu a few weeks. Loins Mi f.1.1 No. 20, Hth street. Dr.

Kevser's office l-'O i'etin btreet. Mean hurometer. IVIean Highest, thermnra 1 Lowest thennom. The marks in the Mononnuhela yesterday evening indicated six fet of water In tho channel, a fall of live inches since Saturday noon, and the river continues receding. At headwaters the river is reported falling very slowly.

Arrival. The John lihoads. after unloading a eanro of two hundred tons of iron ore at Mullen Maloncy's mill on Saturiluv arrived at the whar'. She ca me from St. The towheats Boas.

Panther Sam I hirk came in vesterdav afternoon Irom d'-vvn river port. llexter arrived safely al Louisville. The steamer I rie Brooks arrived to-day from Zanesville The Charley Hrown, with a heavy low came in Saturday. Deparlarrn. The Carrie Brooks departs Tuesday lohn L.

Kiiouds. Thursday." for Louisville. Kxpress. on her way this city, vesterdav, departs this morning lor l'arkerstmrir Halt Valiey, expected eveninir, will depart thisil.iv for Cincinnati It she arrives lime The Jim Jackson left Saturiluv with bar rets of oil for I nropean shioment via Muntin ton. Of this 1.4oo wns crude.

This ii tht lirst shiim ent of crude oil to Europe rom here. The Iron Mountain is exii-cied to leave this nort tc-diiv with a tow of rails, coke and arimles ot Pittshursrh manufacture The hp mountain steaiter Oeneral Cu-tcr. loadiDpr (or Port Benton, will depart Tuesday or Wedm-s The Mollic 3Ioore, for St. Louis will do part Tuesday. Lower Ports.

Mkmi-his. April 14. Kiver rose 5 Inches; stands 31 feet. her clear. Maximum thermometer 77 degrees.

Arrived 'llinois, Vlcks-hurir. 1 'onimonwealth, Oce da, Capitol City. St. Linus. Colorado, Yickshursr.

Evans.vii-I-1-:. pril 14. Vearher o'er and hot. Murr ury 60 to Tl decrees. Kiver falling: 1 feet 4 inches on the fcauge.

Down 1. hen k. U- ay Eagle. Nashville: vansville. t'p Vent, Shinklt, Cherokee, and tow, 1 ilewihl.

Caiiio April 14. Arrived Helen, Vicks-h-rg: Hickory. Ohio. Warner. New Orleans Gran-t Like "No.

7. Al Brown. Memphis: Coal Hill and Llh-rty No. 4. St.

I is: 'Arkansas i c. Lvansville: no. Means, Cincinnati: Slierltx-k. New O. leans, licpartot He ena.

Cninil 1 ake. If iekory ard Warner. St. Louis Coal Hill. Cincinnati: City of Vicks-bnrg; Liberty No.

Ohio: Arkansas Kvans-vi le: Sherloc', Cineinnat John Means, New Orle na. Kiver 40 feet 5 inc es anil tailing-. Weather eloiuly. Merctjr Cs. Li.cisvii-i.K, Ai ril 14.

Weather wprm and clear. Departed Dean, New Orleans: Karker, Memphis: aura Davi St. Louis. Kiver tailing: IVet 6 inches. Sr.

Lot is. April 14. Arrived (ilencoe. New Orleans; iol Ion Eagle, Keokuk. Departed Future Ultv and lurges.

New Orleans: river hi lien 4 in. "lies. Weathe-cleir and very warm. Cincinnati. April 14.

Kiver 2U leet inches and falling. Weathe- char ant warm. roiilen Kuie Newf'rieans. YicKsiuu. April 14 I'p I lias.

Morgan. Jmi A. Wood aud barges. Arrived Grand Tower frmi St. Louis.

Weather clear and pleasant. Kiver rose 2 inches. LOUISIANA. lciiio'ralM I'rojiare tion. a I'roposi- Xf.w Oui.eaxs, April 14.

The Democrats in caucus to-night, it is understood, agreed 11 pon a proposition they will make to the Commission for admission to their organization of all members elected by Parish Commissioners' returns, but this action shall in no way interfere -with the legisla tion already perfected. The seven or eight members who were seated subject to contest will submit their cases for final decision to the full Legislature when assembled. General McMillan, Judge Leonard, and three or four other prominent Republicans, were in consultation with the Commission several hours to-dav in the interest of Governor 1 'aokard. These gentlemen were assured by the Commission, 111 the most solemn manner, that no proposition what ever has been made to either party, and furthermore, that the Commission have not agreed upon a plan. Oeneral McMillan and his associates nrgeil.upon the CommiS' sion the necessity of an earlv decision by the President.

Kverv interest ef the State and people demand it. If it is to be Nich-olls thev desire to know the fact at once. If Packard is to lie recognized let it be done without further delay. Confidence in lrliolls' Sncrrin tjroHS Brighter. General McMillan said to-night that con fidence in the ultimate success of the Xicholls government seemed to be hard ening, citing improvement in State bomis, and desertions from Packard's Legis lature as sustaining this view.

To-night the Commission are in executive session. A few days ago. Oeorge Washington, colored, of Concordia, and to-day ISrooks, colored, of St. Mary, and Kearn, of Jefler-erson, all Returning Board members, left the Packard House and took seats in the Nicbolls House, making fifty-seven Returning Hoard members in the House. i THE 3I0LLY MAGUIRES.

Sixteenth Conviction in Srhnykill, Carbon and Columbia Counties. Pottsvixle, April 14. The jury empanelled at Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, on Tuesday, to try the case of Patrick O'Donnell, indicted for complicity iu the murder of Morgan Powell at Summit Hill, in yesterday brought in a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. U'Iounell is the fifth man convicted for this murder, four of the accused being convicted of murder in the first degree and one in the second. The trial was not very earnestly fought, though the counsel for the defense did try, with some appearance of persistency to ct a change ot venue from Carhon county, ou the ground that no man under the odium of having belonged to the Molly Magmres can get justice iu that county.

Ihe motion tor a change of venue was overruled. Jt was not even charged that O'Donnell was present at the scene ot the murder. lie belonged to the lusearora division ot the Moilies, the division which furnished tfie men to murder Powell, and he took a prominent part 111 the meeting at which it was resolved to furnish men tor the job. Of this fact no doubt was left on the minds of the jury, and, under the instructions of the Co: rt thi retume.l the fatal vt rdict Ihmueil was apparently the most uncon cernrd person iu the court room, when the verdict was announced, aud did not inter rupt his chat with a friend. This conviction brings the number of doomed Mollies up to sixteen in the three counties of Schuylkill, Carlion and Columbia, and is iruiwirtant as indicating a deter mination to relentlessly hunt down and hang every Mollie who ever was concerned in murder.

PENNSYLVANIA NEWS. John Hugus, one of the oldest residents of Somerset, died in that town recently, lie was born there in January, 1808. Ex -Treasurer R. W. Mackey starts for an extended journey through the Pennsyl vania oil regions to-day and it is under stood that this time he doesn't go by way ot Florida, as he did last November.

It is understood that he considers southern oil investments, particularly in such slippery counties as Haker, for account of Presiden tial candidates will the slipperiest sort of memories, are not now- in lavor with the noteil State nnanciers aud uow he goes to tne 011 region tiy the most direct route, and will prospect for oil, with an occa sional bob tor a delegation to the next Kepublican Stat Convention. 'io Thties Sntiirtltnt. TO LET. KICK DWELLING-HOUSE AND OAKDKN' TO LET. Comer IV11LLKK street.

F.leventh ward, two squares from Fitth Avenue Marfcet, a two-PUiry douhle brick dwelling-hwuse ot rooms, hall through centre; has water bath room, ranire. etc and all modern Improvements: a handsomely laid out (tarden, 1.10x1 AO feet In file, with soadeand other tree, surrounds the premises. Inquire of K. SIKULF, SO Fitth avenue: or C. fflElHAS, corner Wood and Diamond streets.

rpo LET OFFICE IX (iERMAMA I Sr.vinirs Bank Buldinir, corner Wood and fiianiond streets, a fine well-liirnted office, heated hy steam, fce. Inquire ot C. M. SLIBEKT, Treasurer. feietf 1'EltSOKAL.

ADAME NEILTZ, BUSINESS AND jI MEK1CAL CL Al AI I has from the St. James Hotel to 1SHSMITH-F-1ELI1 I'KthT. where she can be consulted, heretofore, on all matters of Business and Health. She locates stolen property, telln what husiness vou are best calculated for and whether you ill 6e uccesstul in what you undertake, cures epliptic rheumatism and all disease of liver and kidney, and female disease. Her treatment botanical.

Hours IO A. 211. to 9P.M. Satisfaction given or money relunded. ROARING SPR'NGS PAPER MILLS.

MORRISON, RARE CASS, Manufacturers BOOK, NEWS AN MAN ILLA PAPERS Manilla Advertising Wrappers at the loweu Eastern prices. Office and Warehouse. 17 WOOD ST KELT. i I 7 to by at Merchant Tailor, l. 70 SMITlllTF.Kli STRKF.T, I'lTTstlFKOlI, Has now on hand a full stock of Spring goods.

Prices in keeping with the times. eu tl i'ui -Siioi a. Reduced prices. X' McKa'g, oii Sixth street, 11 14 Tin: immii: piiisKity. A Doctor Aiirayi in the Honne-Dr.

i. A. Spreclier's Family Kattery, Manufactured at the I'lllsbnrsih Electrical Institute, 2HH I'eii Avenue, rillalinrKli, I'm. Dr. G.

A. Spreeher, proprietor of the Pittsburgh Electrical Institute, resjiectfully announces to the public in general, and the diseased in particular, that he has recently perfected the wonderful, yet simple family apparatus herein described, and herewith presents the Spreeher Family Battery, which little instrument will ieak for itself. After long experience and careful research, we have developed the most elegant, most powerful, and cheapest Ilattery ever oil'ered. Combines wonderful simplicity, range of effects and facility of use. Frperienoe lias shown them to be the most effective to cure disease.

Dn. G. A. Spkecher's F.lectrical Depot, Ko. 2K J'enn Pittsburgh, Pa.

Send for pamphlet. Shoe IreHiV. lo cents a liottle, all kinds. Wolff McKaig, Sixth street. ll-14t Koarlne Kprinx Haper 91111.

Th3 above nurueil mills turn out liook, news and Manilla papers, which are highly spoken of by ail who have purchased them, lueir Manilla advertising wrapper are also largely in use, and sales are daily increasing, showing that they meet all re-ipiirements. The otlice and warehouse is at 47 Wood where the public is invited to call and examine the stock. Mioe llresnlntr. Ail kinds. 1." cents a bottle.

oi tl Kai Ciii Sixth street. 11-1K hfldren'n Mioen. With and withont heels, reduced prices. Wolff McKaig, Wi Sixth street. ll-14t Wiif.n mind and liody are out of sorts owing to a I Liver, try at once Iir.

Sanative Pills, a sure remedy for all Affections, Costivenews WSMW. tirin(c Stjlon or, Shoes. Peduceil Prices. Wlfl't McKaig Sixth street. ll-J4t 1 inporlant.

Thoe eoiiteiiiplattnir l-oardlmr Instead of hou-ekeeidn can he accommodated at No. 5 Sandu-ky sirect, Allegheny. LrfK-ation central and pleasant. TELEGKAPHIC. THE HOTEL HOLOCAUST.

A Slates the Fire Started L'arlj in the F.veuiuz. He ne lils for the Sulferers. St. Iritis, April Orrin Welsh, Mayor of TojM-ka, Kansas, was a guest at the Southern, aud- occupied room 129, immediately over tho store-room where the fire is supposed to have originated. He tells a strange story to-uight, to the effect that as early as six o'clock on Tuesday evi-mug he went to his r.Hjm, and found it filled with smoke.

He summoned a bellboy, ami asked him where the smoke came from. The boy said he supposed it came from a grate in some other part of the hotel. 'Welsh then went away, and did net return until hal'-past ten P. it which time there was more smoke in his room, and a strong smell of tire. Being utiabie to sleep in his room he went to the night clerk and had his baggage removed to a room on the fourth floor, where he was sleeping when the alarm was given.

Welsh is quite certain the fire started early iu the evening in the store room slowly burning and gathering strength all night. Chief Sexton, of the Firo Department, savs there is no tfouht of the truth of Welsh's story, aud that ail the circum-diiu i'S of the tire especially the heudway the flames had attained when the engine's arrived show that it started hours before the alarm was given. There is going to lie a lively investigation in the business. The town is full of men with ladders, extinguishers, patent ropes and escapes to sell, lirter ote. As the Fire Department has received much blame from a portion of the city press aud from many individuals for alleged bid management of the lire, Chief has made a little investigation of the niat- ii self defense.

He has examined Kus-. -11 (chief engineer of the hotel) and sv-eia' euiploees who a.ssisted in the effort to subdue the thirties in the store-rooni. reiterated his tel-eraphed on Friday night, and nave it as his opinion that the tire department was Kiirauioned too late to save the buiiding. The other. partus examined corroborate Kussell's The found on Pat unlay afternoon so adly burned that it is impossible to distinguish: the sex, but it is lielieved to be the remains of the colored nurse girl of Mrs.

Clark, named Jackson. About thr. quarters of an exceedintrl valuable diamond necklace, owned by Airs. was anions the lewelrv taken from th ruins to dav. Several of the fifteen unaccounted cuests.

whose names were telegraphed on Friday uigui. nave repnrtetl by telegraph. Anothtr body, supjn sed to lie that of a man, was taken from the ruins ou Saturday afiernoon, but it was so badiy burned it could not lie recognized. A considerable amount of property in the shape of jewelry, silverware, has been unearthed and restored to the owners. Uf course it is badly damaged.

A complimentary benefit, tendered by a large number of the most prominent gentlemen of the city was given to-night, at the Olympic Theater, to Miss Kate Osborn, -Miss Frankie McCleilau, aud Miss Clifton, ot the Olympic Com pan who lost all their effects by the Soutlurn Hotel fire. 'I he house was crowded with a highly re- audience, anil the benefit will yield about 51, f.oo, which will lie divided equally among the beneticiarien. The company and Miss Kate Claxton, who is the star at the house, volunteered their services, and Mr. Spaulding, proprietor, gave the theater free. A similar benefit will be triven at Deliar's Opera.

House next Wednesday night to the servant, girls of the Southern Hotel, who lost everything they possessed. SOUTH CAROLINA. Hamilton Keqursts Chamber Iain's stntv OtlicerM to Kesien. Coi.rMuiA, April 14. Governor Harur-tu aJdresseil a note to Chamberlain's ofticial.i, them to turn over their oilirf.s to their successors, subject to the decision of the Supremo Court, when the Court should be filled by the election of Chief Justice, which will take immediately after the convening of the Legislature on the 24th inst.

Col.l'MHIA, April 15. It. i rennrtvl from reliable authority that the substance of the reply of the State officers to Governor Hampton's demand -will he that they hold their offices by the declaration of the Mate cauvasser.s from the lace of all election returns; that they were commissioned by Gov. Chamberlain -while 'his title was undisputed; that their comestents have taken their cases to the Supreme Couit; that Governor Hampton has no right to anticipate The judgment of that court or in any way to pas upon theirtitle.and that his action is a violation of his pledges to leave disputed questions to a legal settlement. Vox these reasons they will decline to give their offices.

The Cambria Iron Company has leased Matilda furnace in Mifflin county, and will shortly put the same in blast, aa Cfieauast ii Ug Wl AT Colore! Mh i all New $1 0O. il 25, fl 50. By Ft the Beet Vala Erer Offered. IV BLK SII.KS We efffr ail the different nnuiher" of Anth. I Heavy Gros (frain.

and tho I finest, of tent fash- mere FROM (1 25 PER YARD XTP. The reputation of Silks is world i wide, and the quality and durability unsur-; i passed. A CHOICE LINE OF STRIPED SILKS From 75c to 1 OO. i UB APE CLOTH, CK A PE CLOTH. I BAR AT HA.


'ommencinir Monday Evening. April 16, Ke-aipearauce of the Celebrated LIVING ART Statue Troupe Beautifully Formed "Women. STAR SPECIALTY ARTISTS. Free Show fa front of the Theatre everv Ing at :30. DR.

BANNING HAS OPENED A PE RMAN XT FFICE At tlie ST. CHARLES where he can bo een daily from 9 A- M. till 6 P. 3L. lT, Bantling's mode of treating Spinal Diseases and leforcaitiee.

Uterine Hernia, Pile, and other xrechanical ty bis eytciu of BRACES AND PROPS Has earned for him a world-wfdo reputation, and bu proportion of cures Is largely in excess of those made hy other treatments. Send for Ieciiptive Pamphlet, "The Houss You Live In," mailed free. I NJSW WILL PRICE (Late with Joseph Home 11 LIAS JUST OPENED With a ull Line of LATEST AND BEST STYLES OF GENTS' AND BOYS' AT vlOl, Jfflrl Plain Qf 'XI ui mii fiuu ubuiiiii uii I Where he will be rdeised to fee his friends and the public generally. The i iiaa'uvot his Koods will not be (urpasd I by any in the city. ALL FORMS cf Private nd Chronic IMseasea at the (Krnri Medical No.

Sixth avenue, Pittsbur.h. Pa. The proprietor are rwularimviuate3 of medicine and snery aa dit.loma at oHee will show, are tonn-e' ensaj ed and the meet successful, as their nrcttoe will TirovA. Avm with ba relied on. SO tXRE, HO PAT.

Syphilis, trt.norro.eea, Oleet, Stristure, O-ohin la.ijornia, aa fnnary lissaM, aad Svihiliua or.ilercnrtal aCectlons of the Throat, "Sfein or Jiones, are cure-i ia the shortest possible tlm ttiatwiil insure permanent relief. Spennator. raceo, or Seminal Wea'tnef and lmpotencv the result of self-abuse in von--h, or excess in ma' torer years, and which produce some of tee fu lowing etleou: Aa emission 3, blotchee, det liiiT dizziness, nervonne6, dimness of siuht, eouitni! Indigestion, oonetipation, despondency," oonfo. sion ef ideas, aversion to society, lose of meanrr and feiual power, and which nnnta the vtotini for business or am axe, ax thoroughly aad permanently cored. A meuicai circular, rw iiviw ram ia Mued euveicD fcroieBtamn.

A 11 ooBunanieauoas IKARD MEDH ALUISPEXSART, No. 8S Sixth avenue, Ptttsburith, Pa. All ffiedt cinea prepared by the proprietor BoUune: but the tt of drukS are used. ThlseBabl to cure the dttbcult a iter ail c-ber nave tailed. Office hour min fl A.

SL Sandav? from P. St. 7 P. M. 14- Wlf 12; CAR LOADS GF CAN Gmrs t'rulU and Picale ia and tori CHAS.

MAG INN CO. I WHOLESALE COSIECTIOSE NO. 13 UBtKTV STKM i A MUSKMEXTS. AMUSEMENT ADVERTISING RATES. Folfowlnsr Is the rate chanted for adverts meets tinder the head of "Amusements" In thti 00 1 tn 11 1 So.

1 time tl OO Sq. .4 I Sq. 1 BO 1 Sq. 3 S.i. 3 2 2.5 1 S.i.

9 5 SC 1 Sq. 4 times 3 OO i Sq. IO 6 I Sq. 5 3 75 I 11 7 3 I Sq. 4 OO 1 Sq.

12 0 PITTSBURGH 0PER.UI9USI!. rfarwrow ONE Monday. April I. 177, and Every r.veninif durinu the weofc: WEI1XES1 AY andATCKl)AY MATfNEKS, The Grand Spectacle, as produced at Nibio's tiarden. N.

entitled It A A Mairnifl-ent Scenery! Cirand Corp? de Ballet: (ioreous Transtormatlon! Aovel Elleets! Tlie "liariniiig Act MISS MINN'IK PALMER. And ft fowerfuM'ompanv. KEMEMBEK TWO MaTINEES. LIBRARY HALL. Ellsler Caksimo Lessees and Managers Monday, April 16.

Every Fvenlnc and Saturday Matinee, eef ond yearot HARRISON'S TWO ORPHAN COMBINATION, The only travel. nur having peruiis sion ol Messrs. Snook St Palmer to jirojuce the Union Square Theatre version of the TWO ORPHANS. With the aeeomi-'lished younii artiste. Mife LACKA ALBERT A as LOUISE, the Ulind Olr! and AIAVK A.

HARKISOS as llENB IK VI as played by them OVER 300 TIMES. Monday, April SO. New Yor's Favorite Actor, Mr. H. J.

MON TAGUE. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Commencfnat MONDAY. Ajiril 9 Matinee? Wednesday and Saturdav at P. M.

UKAND MORAL ENIERTAINME'NT. ART, MUSIC AND LECTURE! FAMOUS MUV1SU FANOK4MA. PILGRiai PROGRESS BUNYAN TABLEAUX EXHIBITION. 56 Colossal Paintings Admission, 15, 35, and 50c. Kox ottice oiien ttoin IO until 4 P.

M. for the sale of reserved seats. ai.8-.lw Iter. Jl EXIt i A It BEECII-Elt, J'astor of rjLYMOUTII VII UltCJI, Brooklyn, has con- ftenteU totleliv-r his celebrnteil lec ture, which has rental ttwh an immense furore inthnlnrffe West ern cities nnl on the Pacific slope, entitled. The Mini-try of teatth.

at llall.on, Tuelay Kven- nu, A lnl 4. lleserved Seats est be secttrcit at the hook store of Jf. It Edaar, Jo. 4 tth Avenue. Eifht Uaus in Ail ranee, com- mencinq on Monila lOth at It o'clock A.

M. 3 his will most jtositirely he the only appearance of Mr He-echer tn J'tttsourah anil as the capacity of LtOrary Hall is limited, tt lias been determined to re-erre seats in the precise order of the appli cations received. Ihns parties sending orders for seats by mail ill have them vl net on pie, anil simultunenuly u-ith the opening of the sale, on Monday morning then trill be clucked ojf. Suclt seats trill be retained until I'. M.on Monday, ready tor- deliver as cullcil for, after which date they ill be resold, and no number of seals in excessof twelve will be reserved upon any singleorder.

Hem ember, lietcnr's only lecture in I'ittburifh, 1 ihrary Hall uesday, April 24th Adm issiotl all parts of the house, $1 OO reserved seats, r0 cent eortrii Ear sale at IV. W. Edgar's, Yo. Etfth A venue. -Application for reserved seats mail man be addressed to Vot-vilice liox 53i, Ei'tsburyh.

and ill receive attention in th' order of thir arrival, beginning the same time with the general siile of seats, Monday, April 10th at o'clock A M. apl'Mw Maynhall. The tirst performance will be given ato il City, and from thence the com- i.iinv will proceed to I Fdenbercr. St. Petersburg, and Foxburg.

Performances at. Castle Shannon on the rob, at Salisbury Hall, South Side, on Saturday exening, 21st. Admitted. Our young fri-nd, Johu M. Mitchell, son of John J.

Mr cbell, Es was on Saturday admitted to the bar of the several county courts. We informed that Mr. pi.sed a hichly biiccessful and cioduabic examination. Ke! Uf. WimTi ick's AiivertlMmunt.

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