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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SPECIAL NOTICK. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 'SUitAXCE. IXSURAXCE. PjaHal OacTasaaadance af tba PUtsfeurtk Ossstu. HaaxitBDaa, March 20.

Editom Gauttx: Tker hs beao lea of lo eat interact to your readers transpired in either I I. B4DDI.B CO Dr. Calvin M. Fitch, I Will omiueouc a vur-" 'f I Free Veoturos at EXCELSIOIJ HU ALLEGHENY CITT, ThU (MOSDY) EVES1NO, At 7i o'clock, ON Til LAWS OF LIFE, HEALTH AMI I Believe it Saved my Life, Jacob Wooaler. of Bush Creek.

New saaart 'kly tea-Bin), eaja "Foe two yrara 1 tba Nausea and Ueadaehe. etundinc Irrepep'ia. aometiroee aoerrarelr a to incapacitate S3S for aay effort at otherp, to ma to my bad. Mr bcwi'i ware cfUU eoDjUpud aa to ob tea mm to net the meat eower'ul poratiTa to relieve nyMlf. Indead, I a Iaat round It necaitearr to aaa eooie-tbint ofth kind eoafltantlr.

Laet fall 1 eommeneal taint WCItHAVC'l) UOLL4ND BITtSUB. and Ibnnd It just vhal say eaaa required. I eannot raoemmend It too highly, for i Mmwt tavtd my life. st ft eT bott -r fix bf-tttn for OA. by BXVJIN PailK.

Manuianur-In and COxmlrta, Pittsburgh. and tmieeiat aorally. ADVEKTISK in Tim Mansfield, Herald. ADORBsS BRINKERUOFF A DAY, mrillfrtf MASjriKl.n. OHIO.

SEIHEKT; PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER, 100 TStrd tl JMlsl-WTth. MAXi rALTlMHB AM PKALSR IX Cuttaint, Cornice, Bandit, Shades and Blinds. Mattrasie. Comfirt, Cushions, OW-Partii-a'sr attention 1 1 to taraKet wnrk Careau fittao and laid to e-d-r mrlll lyd DAWKS UlLKV, Haute, Sign and Orcameatal Paiotei AND GRAIN ER9. Dealers in White Lead aad Zicu 1'nintn; also all tlnda of Paints. Varulabas, Window iliaae. Putt Btuahae, 144 WOOD STREET, mrl.lyfs Two door Wiw- ltinrn What is Iodine Water? A great deal of mcltemcnt rRavrd to tbis nw mllril mrr od you btr popt nr. Wbr ladtn 1 nt ot. lodlM wm 4lMovari bb Icdt fotty 8t rmr mw, by aolab mavoafawtorpr cf Pavrt nuii4 Coartoiav It it noi mlQraJ It ft una in flpoQ8.

07 ft rr wtti. In VKTloa Blnsral iprlriti, taDi mttDr pnon ftttrkbut th mmltetDevi ttovr.Um cf Col Lirwr Oil to lodina. which tt eoDtftiiui in mbUl tiUe. Tha tronbl hitherto with It bM bno tti it would fiftt dlfsfolT in par wtr, without rocibinisg with omtthlDg oIm. which tnjantl it ia4iiicJ prf trrti Tb Iosllao WftUr thn olution of 1oJid In pur tr, vnd othlnctitian.

It wu diec.Tard lr. AnJr-. of Now York, tod owl la tha dirtejrei Itxltoa woaid ba eX-wd for. It li trnt alterative or fmrf, of th blood drl off bavi horaOiT fntakM Rhenio attain Ut lu hold oa tha Joint, and 4ttiv It autof the ntarrr.v of tha bonaa. It braoM up tha vh! rw.

and ntr Nauraictft. It or ana tha Uar anl carrlea ff th'upor abundant bila. it ear drop! and dUteVMS of tba bltvi dfrand ktdnara. It doaa aot praund to enra Try dta-aaa. but only tboaa wbvra an aJtwatlfa maliciQ wroiJ eurw, L'r.

blVCKK, 140 Wood Ktrt. will Uli yoa ait about lu PrV-a $1 par bottla. mr3.i1T 0PEHI5Q OF SPKIHO GOODS SAMUEL OKAY, Merchant Tailor, No. 52 ST. CLAIR STRKET.

Is new opening a fino ajtsortuionc of abla fprlna (iood, nnaiattnc ot Cintbs, iraaey 0. mro ami YLmia. aVflavltd tspraiMr fw ttiaj njurm is wbico w.micl m9ct( in vita tha atUDtta hia eut4mtra and tha public Bniralir. Important Notice to thai Afflicted WITH CUROlC DlatASKft. by Dr.

A. 8. HfcATH. Naw York City, rinding It ampoaaibla to atum prraonaMy to all mr pat last aai bains unwilling to tiaat re ponaiUa datlaa to aaalotaau or atadratn, aad tha purpoaaof nippnsin tha aala of worthtaaaand InjurV; ru 3 tuck BTtadinaaa, aa wail aa tha Inpoaitioaa atrartiaad nadar fleUtlou namra, offarloc to aand rcp rmti; cr oa raertpl of kttr aievmpa or on itnllar, tto. to obvUt th abova, and to areomaodaca ptian(a in all paru of tha onaniry, 1 nd maJiiinc.

with fnit dirat-tiona, to mra any diaaaaa, for nnlaaa trvatntant raqntrad Rr a I'Dfffir partod than ona monUl, whan tha Am ia tha cam aaeh aoath. Tha IW tor ail mrtiVrmi oparation. in el line that fcr tha m4teal rara of bar La. will dr-md apoa tba aaenUarity of tha eaaa. Fat la? a will ia a tuil lUUaaat of aU thtr in-mptoma, aa ramadM ar 1 ra-parad with aa apaalai raWnea ta ewarh ea.

av ny taltraahrat1 rmUlmr-d- Th riit prt of mytllna-rtJ worfc wiii apGt tt any aUir" ti rewtij.i of lOt-anui. A Itk4Di. if) ''prltif striate oppoaita tha it. Nthiaa Me tal, ap.T-ydlV ccla Saw Vork. Bruub aad Continecial Excflanijo, BILLSDMAWX Bt ui seta, siEaaiN co, ON THE UNION BANK.

LONDON. 7H 0M3 OF 1 AND AftD, Thea Drafbt Arailallo at all tho pnn- airai Town of eaoUan4 ut tha uttoemt, Wa al-) draw MiHT BILL 1. A. l-ruufbaoa Wblf-t aara aa a Ka.Ulaaa tc aU piis (iaraaaur 1 UollanJ. Faraona tntsvn liac ta trmval afvuad tua prtwnrathrcaT, a Ltattara af Cradlt, aa wtiJt Mrmay ab ba btalatl.

aa taavted, any part of Brrop. Cellaettona nf bill. iaa. an 1 ethar apuriti la rpa. w.ii rlf II.

WII.I.KMF 4 (.. tTbtt Highly important to Invalidt 4 l.lvar OH. raifAaiT i j. iaiii a co. KSirP, ai on) of iU dir-tinuirthe-, uf trvmt oth-r brao-ta Oil, aottra abaonoa that aaacwa m.T fta oiT-a ala cjar lnaparatla fr-a all e-aialy and Intparfoetly prparad.

It n.a UUb without d.arJ.h by tba atoat ielWsat attanl, an ratalnad without alVtrt on lh" moit aanat- wteirT: -h lluia'ri'arity In hia and Mbor lapitait Xm of i-uyii r.aa luvftiti'a I -r I- or-ai raaa'ta tv-n lh anat ntiont of tb wledi-al tfi-outib tJUl tba It th Ttrtua! ram ly fwvfa'uwtptkvn. br abiHa. rhniatain ft'fn 4 ar.J h1 In t-t tieaej ttia drutjalaata in ttna ft il th niinu'tvturtn il bAR A tWT. So, I' 0. Rial.

FbUavle-lfi ia Fire Proof A Safe that will be afa the rar- aaia of ftra aaa ba fca-l at lit BK A Id tht-atty. Tba fbl-wlna taatimoBlal, tt.l:h appaara In tha Ht, Lonta BapnblHta, oft' a It th, apaaka alumaatn thvtr taar. Tba twii'iaraof tb-t Vlra PruoCi fcaa wtatUh4 aa amUb)r rarnt tbrcwejb Um aialUiaoa of tba-tr to a aot rwa In ru-tlr to Woaotra. K. fl Vitt A (Jo nt lhlr ur a in'ara I'xaa A fu fii ar aaaota 'or 1 tt aaia Mark (4aV'Dt Or rrno' H)si, htirfbr rTtlif that upa opesnmal our aafa that wm In thi ttt flra tb tteal tlewtf ut.n of lh fiXf boi 11 in t(, nQ tua of tb Mth of ntfutT, lof'fl.

that our bfk ml f.pen ha rn oat aiiB'-. aa l'Ivt tva dw ftr b.Br in io tuina fifty Mo Uaia. aea wa can chiful' iuftiiJ th1r rtaH-a to tha pubit. BKADIT A Tb iiwf meirtoDr-l wu thla ilay po.l In an 7 priw-ti'w, aad I hretth rnl' that tba lrra arjjfunt 01 oka ao 1 par-era thraln nrmaiootj tra 1b u-i4 nr-letr Unola. It M.

HlMAK. FT. Loin. Jevuuary 1 t3 (clr Theoniy eMedal Awarded ly tSo New York fcihlbtUorr. tha Eoth or tVralua Baoaa ldavna aotnrara baa rvStalnfd.

amongft nuiaartui xm tat torn, by LJLA A PKHaiNH, or tfair WkCETKKMIIftB RAUCR. wharaby fnrthar taitmouy ia atfcr4d of Ita atni tha laara avtant. Tbaoaiabrity ut thl Baaoa haa axtandod to avary luar tar of tba Akito, and Itsafflcary in pnni.otlD thcnra hawalth ia taavroiskLiA taJaily nwrw otaweao and aranowlMtlu4. la tha UnttM ftata it ia bald to ha trw aoft aofidimnt and 1 aataamad for IU tnic aad iiirinoratiuB pnrpartiaa, lla ha ItuaJ naaanaMloA iiauu.a to dlut tha fhm On tb t)BtiDntuf Karvpa, tbw qaal.tia-i hava twa Uatinad to by a who wrlta to LB A A f-K. fciMi thaa: "I h.aearrifNl a ocrttiaof Our Wryrr-temL'r toun la a tuur I havajoat OemtltaJ throilkb tio attd Porta ei.

aud haltava I owa my prnt atata of lta oa; yoar Haw ta ataroaehis, aud 1 tblok mrdirioal, aaa with troth aay tbra ia nothing In a traraleir'v haa-gavg aaacntlai to bla on fort, at leaat In thaati eoantrl. aa yoar "aara. in wnara it fa found at tba rotxt of imty raclaiant, a madleal santlamaa wiitaa iron Madru tc hJa brctbor la tha aaaia prufeaaia at Woroaatr, In tna following Urai: "Tail I ea A rrfita that thair eauoa it highly approrad In India, and that It la. In my opinion, tha moat fnlntabla aa wail ao tha moa who'onia aaana Ibuaaaco ooltabio Tor ary rartaty or atnb and a aaiTaraai daman which lta axoallanra baa ovatad haa lad to many ImUattona batng o0mn4 to tba publln, andar a variaty caw. tba gannlna aiay ba known by tha Device- uf A fKKItlNn" h-tng I ui praa op tha paotnl OBatallta- aprulM, or patant Ha atoppr of tba ttottla.

aa anil aa tha Laliata and wraf)er. noia akwu tor tha tn.tau ir. JOHN bvXOAH A WtVH, 4Ua Broarlway. N-w Vork. apllrfe For the bene tit of the invalid portion of car omuonU', wa aztta-t tha following rrom tha Alma-nao at t'r.

O. M. Jaokaon. proprietor of Uoofland'f (larman liltUra. hoping may Indooa a trial of tham: MI.Rit parr XHirrmp.

HI Marrh 10. Uf.A'! a peart ta alt groat aant Itlan of jour tittra thla yar Many or bj ruttO'itur- raii rwrr blahl cf it ai.o-l Qulltlc, baTlosi prb nl lita-it mrnt an axo-hant ff-vr ati Ain a arai ppnnwrn ina duxm: ani ttin rr bt tiling on 1 txwrri aid dtvation and cruatji natnral aprtit In abort, 1 am aara Jt li una a rary ttaat roMirinaa kiown for familr Hae. (Xflns afa and plaaaaui fir auy on to taka," tHn wf.olia-a.lti KTitl ft. tail, at IT M. H.

lYfKKH rig Ctow, 10 (Med at alien of tha Uoldan Morlar. lUa adrafttawinant 1 1 A aj'tf- loDISI ATM a uunr. ri'ii dOROPI'LA. (JANCKHH. I ROPHVt 1 1 ATIHM, VaUKt4JIA.

TKTrKK, Wi.lTK BWKLLINiJ. 1,1 VKt 1, a r. 1 KlhN KVa AND Hi.ADDBIL. UOllUK, Tba following artlcla ia froai tha ran of ona of our moat oaiabrata! phyalalana, and ona wbaaa nama, if mm warn parmlttad to man Ion it, would earry Inttant eonvtetioB to tha pablle mind of tha truth of all ha atatoa New Ycak, hapt. 3, Mb Iblitort: Parmit ma ti rcenpy a Uttiaofyour vpaoa In dviag an li of humanity for it la aimpla ha maoltr to plaoa tha afllleat aad labaarOnad la th way of aaallyo)lriBg good haalth and flplrtU.

I hara bad avra thaa a bnndrad sun of eotuiompttoa on my hands at ona tjoa 1 bar a had llrar forapialnta without Bum bar among my patients. I bay bad a doaan eaaaw rf fever and ague at ono; a terrible raee of aerofala, op king's a fit billon dloriIra ot arary typ. and one ea rafwntly of yatir iVrar. Nearly all of theae 1 have satis factor II managed with nothing bat Iodine. Iodine is bo preparation of 4 Barkery.

1ft is a guanine of tbaBUetarla medloa, admlnUtorod by every ragalarphy ale Ian; and whB It ean bo obtained pure. In a paie aolo-tioB of Cretan. I kaow of aot blag so powerful as aa awt fjr tba Tarauval of In eonaomptla Its affoota are aUarttiatx la all tt ina atfMtins lodins pr4-luias a Kp ly "Ura. Ta llea4VeW litetlne eW'lB t'i atwrpt tha b-taiitarv tairtt. I trs ra wariniy ra tximiiavad Dr.

Irr andr' l-itna WaUr. PradareU by Df, II. Attdara. Near ork and aot at Dli aMaH Urnit Mi.r. No Ua o-v nfret, 9 Mm orttiat'olrn Uurtar, rtlKWArlDINa N1 COMMISSION -MEBOHANT, AND WUOI.ItmLI DBAIJtR miEESU, BOTTJCB, SjEEDB, ri8U And Prod 00a (Setters.

iv. go ii. Wotvt tract, Pittjbnrf h. Piamoud Market Eouss Aasociatioa. nOLlKKS of CertitieatrH of Stock in the UtamMa-j A are tr-t HtHltnai tha im Ee-tT aPTrt)l C-it 3 to T.MiKV Vli r-n ff Ua rr-'cnpa -rifi b.

pii th- r.3T-r. tt th Y'mer' Jit-i -'J TJ. Jry-c or after St. 'IHT Or At'Kl a Msaharaofftthe hara ant thair alijrir in fuH Br. har-iT notiti i thxt Thirty t-r- wtcum, nr ant r.l th anf UDt ji i in thfui.

Wtil ba refao-itrd t. tli-m mt ih tim i fur.ria. t-i wL. en c-f heir in d.nej a adopted by th r.n the iunt. nrM'ul' 9.

JON-EB, Prmlieot. nR. XEWLANP, of Rochester, N. nruulj n-irw th (I'lz-r-sof' tot aT I--f, ir. Tltar.

lth.lm. Fain. ao. trr.i brl with r.u.-T. u- t.timunia'.

purtjtj- Id ihaTart.ja ehiain lie hi- prsCKvl. through th iiot ofirr iir.A.T. KKWLAM). 4 PRIL MAUAZIXESI AiMUL MAUA- tiday" I IWlt JYlt" 1" rerta. ilrnbtm' Mnvaxia Ti, 15 Wa' Wfi N.

V. "o'lrnt! ArtUMr'a lL-fnv Mannz a is Itij ou Yaiii iy 011 and ieit jour Bex k-, anl Farejr A.tflLuKNKKNNV. rur'Jl tic at roar ppoite tn HOOl'ED bKIKL'S Urnaa, Steel, Outta Oar.anil Pkirr ol er-ry at A. A. A UO 5 Flllb Kt.

LET Tho Hall formerly ocoaricd by tli. nf ot Tcnipnrance, i'ft lti ffwliiid Thi-rt EoQUir or UN a Ml'( wf.Zi't 267 Ir-rry IREN'Cil CALF61UNS4l) 7BrS(meTn ai.1 nthr ri-ol. brnJii. it re I aud t-r fM by KI''Hli. B-KO.

BiT'i-i I.iberry fclritt. OIL An invoice of very bu-B M-lor link Oil ril ml frr Mbr HJ'-J i. HARD, GGbi r5 bbln urn landing from et' arn- Lttr. li. aad lor Kala by I'AIAH aco 1LS-50 bbls No.

1 Lurd Oil; it. GO i.i'ira.i oo. il 1 i w' 10 Jo Ul.ak-.l kbi -liy, tcra' t.r hliBISilM LI I any SEED -j has Clover ie la do T.njolhr Jo. Jn-I rrM an-t rai i ry mr': IG IRON 300 tons For-e Pig Irou on adlil rale i.7 K. KO A GO.

UU.VF. MOLASSES 50 bblR N. O. Mrv- blila Krir. CO: 20 rt-i rl-ly mr-il HOlIiSONA O.

't'i KEEN APPLES 20 bhls txtra foisted ''f fT IIKNHY II. COLLINS. 5(M) PAKIS WRAPPERS, different tr intr-'4 A. A. Ma-SON A I'fH.

CAUXONS new stylft Spring Tri A. MANJS CO. WALL PAPKK NEIVSPRIXQ feTOCK 9 K. 0 ft Ai 'aaliae r. arv)altf I 'ii itiTiori tfa f.vk ft nw sl rM-f rersjiTlttj. 1.0,-10 Paiwr Hbu.bit: dvw ia, ta 0-l J. rifc jialn fin "Ml p-r-. jtcmaft; aio ott nJ ain Mwion atin I'ifh IlariaDDK: txtlK 1 to 2ic: 'r f-nn Via If. r-r, a vrry UrK" tr -w to ib'r Vfit ar4 UTiTaiira ti-Tmrr: t-imn rsiin t't inrc 1 jra I rril IDiH. tf.1.

ma, (Vrjlr- Pf.a; luff. in a at. 4 flau'ei Also, a a.te-ncij eh AM TttXlata' Tr D-farTi atj Oil Ciott j-bawle--. Liri-n T- iniuilnr-. Ar.

New afcx-si or u-w (nr i i -nry, Liri No. 3 MwWi; bii bM No 1 At 'il d-j du So 1 ili KuquirUr rfo .1 IU bl.i Ua ir.l ot; irj it do tin i'i bbU So. 'I Ikkt UiitbB Kj. -xtr Ji-riU'trJ. TMtnr mud Ut Mi br TT UlXHuN'.

t'NUKlKS i-J 0 otru prttre iTn D) iritD 8 ev-x T-. kj be. o( m. Xr.btmG; ft. A jthr ecu trrafitr-; lVppi; Vj t- li'ouui Pppptjr; jt, Backet' '0 du i'n rn life i 1) iU'ICftfttl inhh Jigi priTJ ri- ij VTIIp tur.Lt No.

SfH tiib-rtr 8 il'UAIt AND MOLASSKS- 4u hhip I'lii'v Mjsr. 7 N. Mf-itafi'tlt, d. tiu J. rufa "'(riils rUevr 1 ti ft TIE CrtW l-UXAT, la torf.Bd tor mrt WATT WtriOS.

I ACOaN i cak prime Bajon iSidrfl. fnr fala by ari'l WAIT 1 i.eV-V 4U( ACKKS OF LAND IX IDA -tol I I-'W CAIK thi JfirM pr-i-r'r uH tr4l or 1 il ft fto- n-itiib-r or airrw4r Uui 'r tb ritr. Avi-iy lo ti. W. liLNaN, Sr r'h sV'1 utio I-jot la-tf-l tL 1)imbooiI.

4l-i-h tvn Ctf mril rnilE PIIILADKLPHIA SATCKDAV KVKSINO Tt-T -Tb be iaoilly Neirtwr Id tb- Coda.ry, rr Mie. W. A. vilLDKVFENNKT, Fifth 'rvft. r.ppf nil tb 1 ht-at'f.

Kr-fb--dT et Kit CltN I's a fopy. itrJl SIJKKT KLpUK OIL IfLOTIlS our oiTa Tjrl Kulern feuaciif ct'irr. ol ajijj-r(, ps'tfrrjai, rat to fUnjr' rw1'' rrf lif, at 'i! ee-e-ro nil 'r a 1 Hti.LlHS. IOK WIXIMJW Sll.iH!.5 Trantiparent ti. ntTi: Hyff 1 aoppar i.

tlfi Urtr-n an il ff 1 vx. h. tor el wHt Atid at Nr and bt TUWt, li. irMUI.LIP 'IXuOW feUADK TRIMMINGS of all kit'l at NtV axeti, li (Male t'-l A II. PHULira.

HA LUX 10.000 iU. Hams. di hhou -lerr. tlila ar aa for eal i. l.iTTI.K CO torlil serod ftrwt.

('ODKiSII 10 diinn hn-ft quality in ftnro awt br rni-Jl '1 tITTI.U XTKA i'LUIjiiliHi bhU bestts. r'luur. 4j la ir.r, I na. br T. L1TT1.

a O. HAMi 10 C. Han in 8U.r.i a aad tJr aaie br earl'l T. UlflEtCU. IAKD OIL 25 blbi beet qaality receiv-! A lug eni lor sl br mrll L1TTI.K ISO (10FFEE boHtKio Cofiee Ins thli iltr and la br T.

l.tiTts ail Mo. 112 8eva4 etrert. FA ECUTORS' NOTICE L-ttert Testa ntn on tbaftat of Wilif.n. ArThTir lavta. rtf tr.

rliy of I'iltsbaratb. hetvii befj to tht uiev-rio-r. an wrtiiu inafitte. to atd miuter- co makt- rajnjftjt.aiid aU ptrKow bav.cK"lauinai.ajnt iiiariantt) -ir pr r-tii mrm laUineutait-ljr, uu.y tut Lira tl eacad. I tti-m-iit.

R'-HT. AKT run, 'o. 4 hrt HUi LK AKTill uh. No. 42 ait st J-Kxrn.

k. LIUUi-; (Jikut at. fnr20.1ad6 BOOTS AiSD gH0S, WHOLESALE AND ETA1L JilK ella at- tn( of hia rris-ul" and tht-public to aa r-amiuat'ra of hie xte-wnivt- ajtik of Bonta and ho- luna tioia tha.Saw Maaufaeturorat ia wtil fe'tuid ai kitsdcof La its Gcntb'. Mistou and Childrena ROOT.S, 0 AITR AN SUOJE Sf ad oat of lb b-en'. aad of th lat(ft jle-A.

In 'rir tr auit country d-aim h- raanufturte sod (vnntantlT ou hand a atocw: of Mea'( fo-e'd and t.roraos., v.r and Youth', bnm-ao, 11' ma. MtfHtvft In reitrn-a) to tb -lay tiii bine iurr, han 1 bat h- i-i u-riun ti aa cbi-ai a- any i.hnrr li- tha rily. Tnantthii rr tb iiba-rnt ravr-! vci be fur tf favora. m.iui t-'ii hit xtri-nrt i'i l-tjtllea tH (. tllt if bl to M'V-a JAVV, mr20 Kii Marlrtat.

ttwn MarkfUbouv tk ft 8 HON Si UiVK CKkI HaMS 6 (.01 iitir out finoit. wartaoied aa. trior an tiTtrLl-a in Uiln marant. mrSO WM B. HOI.MKj A BH.

mKS lt'O 000 Um Hm.ko uhc mr- WM BHOLVKrt A BSO. SJ EAUI A Im por tant to Cth I'uhli-: Analyw rf I o'aCatwba Brtady a Ott J'rtt-Eor. R. nti, libi-, Vt.7, 1H67. I1'5.

ce.r(.ifjr that I bay Ui.f day innpfotrd a iarge lot t.f ana Catawba itraudy from Sir. Is ioDr aod aftte a arwtu oummttioa I nod it HUH, of hiKh aUnoard atiu lra ifooi all toieUo or cubatan-CB, aud hiraa oiarkd a iba im ducta. Uirvo uDlr my Uaudaad aai. MkuM. HIR.J COX.

H. i) For aa.a bj ihr. aCM wot, at $1 2 a bottle, with a dl eoutatto th trado. aud jour ordri. t) JdtiKMI PI.KV1NO, mrlw ooruer Markat i.

tbo Match 10, 1857. 1 1 'E urtj nowopeuinp our SfRING GOODS ba fir IT tha bat arttoHrtn n' trmr nrT.l it. our marvaet, hayiiis a cf Hltvrk Bu-nt Ut Ue-fi in irh wa oao aift ll otbar Uof In our lire, Oritg for xWi vnli n-'a ph. call tbaalWiiLl(o tb i'diac t- cur auwH. -AZ! JtlUN AN tfc Alle-uu-or i' tr.

T. W. LU L' (i II li WATCH ANI CLOCK MAKlilt, i mr-Tsvit i.w IINE WATCIIKS AN JEWELRY, No. A 'JS Fifth Mtreet. btwia and Market, FTrTrtnUbblU, pa.

attaotiou paid to the KKPAIBISJcf tt ail' iinn nii jw X.a.a H.irV H-arV-iTitVJ. mrlti; IBLS XXX FAMILY WHITE "heeat Pebble Creek Ki- ar: iuuu tio-eier ad tiarfadalr: luOJ 0dar tiroe uitl (Jcai lildK; 10 btiln itye iour, ludo tirnmnv; 1 eaek It ami; li etrr aad for -a'a bf mrl tit tret street. SUPKKIUR FRENCH" rhr A BurcM.ld aiwaa keao a 'Dtnlr nf r- tiie. trust ooa or the nit-tt popular oiauaravuTlea ta FraoTB. Almi.CaeniinfreB aud Iftwaakiaa, and laccy.

IUILDINU LOT 1.110 BuilditiK Lot in ha ward, froauna ea slataa frr uaia br mrl ltlils a btK'ikit. UEAL ESTATE SALE Oil BAR-TEH TntT Buildirn Lot. on OtuMo-cr io th city thM ritj or t-ltcburKo. will tm ...14 law fr eaft OT.T.hnK?! IMttatiuricb manulariura. artici', m-rrtiu Hep.

ara'lr or railroad atoca br KK1- A liKK mrl'J H. W.e3rnrJBiaitbB aul m. IOTS Threa Buildicg lotn on corner of at I ilwll and Dime iddia ar t. 20 "nr IW. or.lta worss.

7 Ui ward, lr aa a er i.roj 'br ttSlH BKtiUtK. It. HCLLIUEN'S PARISIAN tooth FAIK Tbla le iu ucallrut rrarararloa fur ci.a Ins and tb lth. A Dw a-ipMr uud.r Ui tuperriplua of lrr. prii.r2 "IP Jorapll FLaIT'J ACOX II cast linras and 1 Sboui- 9 dra, now froa a eamar H.iiaar al br mrlo lfAlAH lilchaV HI.

tUJS'ilKlES 20 casks Hacoa llami', phnuitjera, bbla ur-ve. Ubi. Lara. 17 loiuj Ou aie.ojwr Jtirhstr to arrire ffr Ij'EAlllKKS l.S BHOtt-i 1.0 lauding iroin areewer Hiacce lor tat br S4UH 11CKT HEASE 5 LMu n.w lantline: frt.m sv aiu- i Jf ar Reliance (or aale by 1IA1AU HCKkl a OO. 1 I II RA NCEi I THE MANUFACTTTEERS'IirSirRAJrCE COMPANY I OF PHILADELPHIA, P3tPf1CAL CAPITAL MX 000 ILL IM8UBK AOAIftBT ALL KINDS Of Fire, Marino aad Inland Riakg.

AAKOS 8. LIPPISCOTT. ITraiii-nt: WM. A. BUOOE.f, Vine Franilrat; ALFHKO WKEK8, Sesrrtarr.

WEEi-Ttf; Atron 8. LiDllr.cott. TCiliialn It Thomas, Charlw Wlm, I Wm A TlbO'lr. williarn Nial, AltrM wl, 1 J. Kioaliio Habk.

Chart. .1. IWa. Jcbo P. rvimone.

i jaraea r. r-myti. am Thi. aith a CeB CanltBl ano th iiin-Uira baT. artrminM to a.iait the 1 to If- firta-rr pruuen- id wmaci.

i iuv it vi-h a prompt of losers. OiBoe, No. 76 WATFR arrest. rift J. NEWTON JoNEg.

Amr- Farmers and Mechanics liNSURANCE COMPANY K. Cor. Second and Waliint St PHILADELPIIIA. Tbo following statement exhibits the bus-n? asd sedition ct the Ccdranr to Nor. 1st, 1566; r-wiTPd on Marice and Inland RiK.

10 Not. Int, 18... JJ11.CSI 60 rirr F'rmluni8 176,796 61 iDtrr-st t-n Jianx 8,704 47 T. tal Hn-ipsa 68 Paid Marin. 1G JiU.lj" 04 I'aiil li: io fc Kxjtanww.

SalarJp aud Ccmml-riooa Ou HluuraniTe, Klorn I'rnwiuios and rbarcoa iT7.474 6H 177,12 61 oatanot lUtsalnins with 07 The ASSETS of tba Company are aa fo'loe Fhila.CitTaDd County licada. 1H Railroad iiooda 1 1.000 Ot- VOuat prlca Firs'. Morcsaaa ii-iJ 143)00 OoJ glockr, on call 3V.400 00 (lirard and llane tit s.a-'s to Ptrcrlted a irb Pnncan, Sherman A Co Saw York 39.000 00 rTrred Pa yine Etocli nt yet daw 07,700 00 fii-ten for Marine Plwrntuma 1U8.0SO 4 Liu from Anions aecured byiloDts 11 Preminas on Policies recently itnl and ilbt due tba Co SI Balaam ta Uanka 16.4'6 74 Tba Foard cf Directors have tsl day dreiarad a Dividend of 15 Per Parr.t:!a on demand, on tba bnslntes of the Oomcany tbe Int Inrt. TUOMA3 B. FLORENCE, President, Edward E.

itelmbold. Secretary. TU0.4.J. UUNXK8, arat, rittabart. No Vi rlrert VITTSH UKGH Li: liV), Tire Marine Insuraaca Compaoy, Oitico, Carrier Market and ater Streets, ft This Ciitapaiiy makeis eveiy Inearaiice ap- iriaintiic to or enn'if-W trith Llfc IIIsKd.

AIm Hon and Cargo liipk th Ob to and tribotarin. an fijeit And Bfa'Ainet Lo3 or Oainago by Firo, Bvealnxt tbe P-rit of lh9 Hu aud Iclaa a Narlatloi aad 1 r'ollci-furuiurviftt tb tcv-trata oociUtect wUb aait tta-all panJaa. RobrtOlwf.T. Jftv-rh 8. leclia a.lU4i ar'inritai-.

Jhn FuMfrton, jajiks P. ti I Maorld B. browa Jubn i Da id II. iam-s Wiiham Carr, iaid RicbT. 1 Roowrt ir.

Itartlaj. Jamati W. Jrfco M'ljjll. CLaa. Arbut-QQ" ta6 fcrtsV 4iixamltar Hrmitiw? I Hntual losnraneo C'onipacy OF PUILA DELPHI A.

mat If O. 10 ALTJVT iU INSCKANCK On Buildina, Mer- Ftimitara. Ac itt cr eciintr. 1b Eiutrtai comtiatfd with in- swcrlty of a etoca anUi, laurt-i ty nhar ta tbe profit Tr oi thin Companj-, far proSyt, art at par. iuto tb CapttAi of tb Oouip'f CLaM TINUt-fc s', Frenidtint.

aii. Hotcratary. DIKitCrcJUi: t'lana JVvrii fc. Aohhsrat, q. H.

TnnmjiWn, li- b4.fcer, T. -vx-rvhiii. h-ni. W.TiiiaiJ. li.

W.j;.e-otr, Z. taCtbr.ip, KCtt Himtr.m, I II. L- Carsoa, U. h. Woi-J.

Xflaud, Marshall lini- E-lward Jamae. Jaai 1j. TayiT, Vt tn. MDr, Jacob V. ifooataft I Archibald iinttx, H.

a. Blrur, Vm. Kt-mpl-, Piila'ii J. O. COPr'INe Ant-Tit, taabsVfe corner Third atsd Wood ttrstL Wettera Insrirance Company Ol-' IITTSBUIafl.

oco. iwaiia. raiftT m. cadow, bwt Will Ineure against all kinds of iirc- and MsVino Rlisks. it MItlr, it.

That. eft.t, J. MrAjhry J. W. A.

Niai-x. lri-. Acj C. W. Nathl lIoaj.a, Imuiwii, O.

W. Jtv-Cff-at, Ippincoit, ft' 32. II. rM2Uii. heme luantutU'O maaaued by Dirvwtora WfU feTaCwo (n thi ooinajutiJty, and libcraJiy and promptly pay a'l l-simw at thr a tar 6irt, (fopaag A Ooa svrbouar.

ac aira, Pitubcrgb. Pranklin Fira Insurance of Pllilsd'a. IRE0T0RS: Charles W. Bancker, Goo. Jkf W.

JUehardVf'hrm. Hart, D. ToWa Wairrnnr. A'toititi. Hari.

f.r.i,t. A fimvn. Jaoub fe.nita,Morri- i'attTVii. CiiARLKf Bawcikr, I law Oompaoy wQtioo" tr irak-Tnaartvcc, prroannt tin avry afcriptir.u ot I'ro7-jrt in uwn uu whirh wiLb tbir IvpitaJi and PreTJiiumn, ffaju.yiaiw.uU -iTd protect ioo to tb Zf txixr-'l. The awti of tii C' m-arv4rn 1st, 1861, aa pot rt.hsl tu- I oi' AsaaiUy.

wi a foiiowt Kor c-a R-i iW-tabe Temporary Iev 7 a 17 4t4ti til J.l'i.Tun aU Jioo? tbir iDtorr-craiityi, a prK-d ot i.1 vr-nm, th-y ba pail aptwar-is otiia tonr iiuadrtM Tbouasad Doi lar ieoejeB tiicrffx ftfTc '11 1: a idno or tha ad raatai-a- Iaira-air. a wll tv tucir aNihty and depoei to tip-t wi nrozaptiie- l-noiutHt. af AKIUMiF. OtfrTTi, Afront. pl8 trtn-) S.

K. mrnr of ood and ad at. II OWA III) hi INSURANCE OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. Fraafclia BuUdiBga, Ko. 94 Water St.

A nthorlzed npltnl, SOOO.OOO. AHOIM' CAPITAL ilU.M.jtlliKi, iSVkSTKU AS FOLLOWS; rirt Bond" Marrgaitea on Proparty ia th city oi Hbilad-iohia wcrth -m lf-t Ol.OOl lyo.otK 1,710 uaaa oo Dacj Atoount at-corfa by ftoek r.o;ep...... Arotjuat cf atuek. aaa oo TUli COMPANY EFPKOTS TN'SURANCIC ON Morehaadisf. Furaitura, Lumbir, Ar -m Vaa wi-, larK1) nii I'rrijttit, to aU and by Railroad, Mto ind at ibta lowt on ttivruoat Ii'Trai lVrra-, promvt payoientoa ad- 'Wra 'ili grfUaat aaacoat to ba I nmrd oa tcr oae Kick.

ct.ixO. ITR KOTO M.rTTH, O. r- Abk'm. Kix, flrni of K.x, Wat. H.

Woona. Oao. Ijowulu firm of Mowed A J. KiMaa TaiK, pcnD. rt.

ti. foatR, Brm ofiv-wrr A Baroert, Jim tiajtro-f, bi ot Burn-tt, rVston ia-arJaeief. ilEbMa IIaopt, Chief Kogionftr I. K. KM NaTnw K.

Pom, jntier at j. U. t.aK-B, Arm of Ito-b A B. KiseiL, IJ. H.

Hctsrojf, Frwitibt Aenttt of Penna. B. Ja6. fiiia oi itUr A Pcta-rnon, Aui. 'a.

P. Ki-sr-, Vf. Haioi firm -f Kait.ul A Ciiad. K. nT trta of VnduD, Norton A Uo, Jotm il- Lxwaam, trm of Iard A Corpon, Jau.

It. fTTXaVi, U. W. Bcaaouaas, la'a tliiaTaoon. Olarti.

Vt. U. WOODS, Batfy. I'KRCIVAT, P0TT8, Prw't. K.

pPANULMI, VI tr'aoreat tha Hit or Dirtstor cf tba "Howard lnurPf? Oi." to wt ot atxnatrpwiJeif kaown aa amoog tiie b'ft mvn a' i'Ul va pti will orobabty Tr a-nolB arvuraofta of security tba rublie Aihare oi i-atronaaw is vrttuiiT eolirjr.a-d. II 8. (itAH.l, Acat, Corr.t or Water ci Market, iiU Sovr, OK PITTSBURGH, No. 63 Fourth Streeti, Aatiioriietl Capital tSOO.000. 1 SUNK BlflLUlSGS A AO OTHXR fR9fKJtTl AtfRioat mr by flr And tbe Paniaof ct ba- an Xi.w.-d Navtiratlca aad Trane-xrtatiu DiattrvoB' Wta.

P-Jobnetoa, Body W. McCMntock, Ja V. Tanot 1. K. Par, J.

Oder, A. J. .1. H. aaa.

A. Carrier. Y.S. turu, PraIdnt. lion.

WM. Jarob PalntT, Oeo. tmitb, Wtvln fiaruptoo, Calvin Welfe, D. il. Vie Prae.dt-Bt, Kt)Y rwwwr as xrtaaurai.

A. A. UAaaua EtoI'J Uitiieni InsTirasce Comp cf Pittsburg WM.BAiTaLeY. trtvlnt. WATER, JitTWKKy MAKKST AJD WOOD 3TMT8.

MINHr'Klta HTM AND A BOO ON TUB OKI ANi MlKMHIPt': KIVJ5KS, AND iltlHVTAUi Kr. JRJ Meruit aii tt 7rf or iMtjviffe fry tfirc ALSO t.V.aa..rT of f.f rT 4 tnrf V.OATlOjV a-td iVAAAi ttKTATtVX. et'ra. llaaal.j. h.Ciii' Kaa, fciae, Jt HnrueuiiU, Ikxm M.

IVtinnrk. Waltr Krr7t Jaa. At. CrKipr, Urt. Mars B.

H. Klr. vm. i-fcn H. Ijiiwr.rtb rrancip bllra, J.

Kchooaciaknr. win. it. H.ra, 4111 puri mi uu 1 AXi. Fire and Life Imnranca ComrjaE.

No. 149 CHESTNUT STKErT OPPOSITK IUK LDSTOM UOVBM. Wul make all kinds of Irtdnranea, either rrrloa or Limited, on er.rr rj froeertr or atwcttandliie, at rawinati ratnol KOtlKKT P. KINO, rfiiil-D a. W.

Vie Presideat. P. H.rre, at. K. Oo, o.

P. B. 0. rjh.r'uian. i io.

Lrown e. Pant. Jobo Clayton. B. WJr.

liucantuuie, Hecretary Irl. aorner Third and Wood atraata The fcreal Western FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OP PHILADELPHIA, No, 107 Walnut Street, CHARTS PtaPtTOAt. CAPITAL 600,000. I.

'I RE INSURANCE Perpetual or Limit- a made in town or eouotry. oa erery description INSURANCE, on Ooole by vasal. Lakes an i-anrt ail parr or the Union. a H.yh.s KA CK on Veaaei. Cento, aad Freltbt tnoracii.a ltlrar u.

u. LATUROP. rreeident. Tnor. K.

Lutiatcx, Breretary, rtraa-Toea, OeihtKC. LiTnaor. 4a1 VVainut atrret, II--o, lirBT b. MookB, 60 Tt Rtnwt, -4ijx, t'lLLme, v.rcfcar.t, North aront at. Hi-etsa, flr.n of riitbt.

Hunter A Go. K. rsof, frm of Hiker. Jons tjria rf Jna Trbite aileCardr. j.

ft. 6rtn of hiflioo, A Co, Jin. P. r.TiL rrm ol lae li Mitlto "i eoe, rm oi ti.i A Zaller. lli; Si asd 7hI, K.

LlaEjttcx, "--mreRriit, IIak, IVM.1 to Ucet, W. lialL Hiaarc Vo l. BOtwlh (rent tbtet. eHttelvgk MONONGAHELA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, Office Ho. 98 Water Street.

1 If ILL insure against all kinds of Fire and Marine Rink a. JAMKS A. HCTOHiaON, Prerideat, HKKr tl. ATWOUD, Bxretarr. Draeorasa: Th- 8.

Clarke, Wm. Ka, Wtleoa Miller. JobnAlwll, Jihn Darltt, at. B. nolmaa aarra.

A. oVrrr. AUx.KIak. J.a. A.

liaublson f16 6d Exchange Insurance No. 11 Merchant' Exchange, PHILADELPIIIA. 4 apltal a OO.OOO. Inland and Fire Insurance on favorable A. A.

HABPY. Asnt, leJm coidm of flrat and farrj Pittsburgh, Pa. Dollar Savings Bank G5 Fourth Street, t11? BOQ11. Jobeb mkv build ma, (f VAILY fTom 9 to 2 o'clock; also PM and tatarda.y from May firatNOTemtrflrn.trom 7 tr o-ririvud rrom yembrrr first to May firt. rrom 6 to lpoitf reeivMJ or all numa not Ibm tbaa Oo Dollar, aad a ajvidod of tba protita derlard twioa a rt-ar, la Jane and Vcmhr.

latTestwta declard at lie rcia ot nix pr tvnt, ir an um, in aeamber, lati. Alma in Juno, aad Decemoar, lH6i, Boclta ooDtatniu tbe Chart, By-lwa, Rale aid Re olation faralttbad (tretla, ou aprHcation at tha ATTttUlCIV WUVfl'JO At AuLiO. S.A. sea Hooawell (pburn. iobo II.

UaOaabertRf, OiKirweK. Wbita, uoarie auar. Dar, WlUiam P. Jobnirton, afamfa VV. ZJaiimao, Atxarid-r Bradley.

N. Grattao Theobald UmbeUatUr. ItAAc M. Peaftoeii. jQtxn a.

uoflgi-mre. WiUlam J. Audavaoo. mcsTsaMt Jamea D. alloy V.

iiiiam Laveleya Jrba 11. WIIjt. altar P. Marobal) Wt'aoo Millar. -rrlilUm Piiitlir A.

M. Poliork, td. FJaary L. l.taswalt, Robert Itotb. Jaraf KbidrA, John M.

Hawyar, Wsorjte H. Hi5t. Joha O. Barkotra, lliil i'yrirwia. Albr Joba P.

Canf-ffd, J. QsiaerOofQa, Alonso A. CharlM A. Col too. William Dnuftlaaf, francia FiIiE.

Qerorca F. JtSPt-s U. Ilooa. Williara H. ilawt-n.

Jamn Tir.a'.. arcrttary ar.d 7rauwr L11AKLEX A. aotrlyd mt9 G. W. CliUKCUMAS ft CO.

4 GENTS for tho sale of FOKKlfil. AND XHMKSTIC' DKY GOOD tS. Including German Cloths and Doeskins, Brown and Bleached Goods, Gashmaretts, Kentucky Jeans. Ac, Ac. Ko.30 South front htreet.

felomd PlilLAUKbFUIA. C. W. CHUioTlMAK CO. AGENTS for the sale of MARHH'S EODA AU aad Bleaccing" Powder.

No. 30 South Front st. fr MAst 4 HIILaD trXPHI A- To Merchants anil Others. RUSHES of every description can be had at tbe Bru-ta Factory of BTkWART. Ho 26 Fifth Btieft.

betweea Wood and Market. WholbMle aad Retail. i is Extensive Coal Work tor Sale. BIIE XTNSi VE COAL WORKS ka.own I af tie Obi er-d MadiaooCml tba i bird Pool of ibe La Hiver, atxut thirty mib above tbe etty of Fitteturgh, are now offered tor faie. Tbe lands copiIId? tbia property eooaiax of' lCOaoreii of r-uriaoe, ambreciatr about 160 a-rw of Coal, of a e.u'ity vjuaS to ao minrd on tba MooonKahela rirar Tha tiiabar oa tba rbvse is Boffl-itrnt frr all teqntred parpoaea, aui a m-r piog, eon-tructtcg Ac.

Tb prop rty axtetidiim: ever oi mile oa the river afford ei lient harbor fur bata. aod dealrabla aadTaat yM for "bipm-ut of coat. Toe improveoieota and fixturaa fr pt -eeatiag the alnina aad fblpmnt are tmpleaud ot tba moat aubetan tlal eoDntrue'-ioa. Tba build ugs cooeist of 84 fraoja tana meata mioerff. tttori Hcuhj, tttoaut Sawmill and ail bullOIUKB reqaireil iota opratkia of axtenaiva worke.

Tbe equipment of the establishment are aalocieot tor miclnK acd enipDing from to 16.000 bnafaeia eoal 1-t day. al of which having beeo racentiy oontroctri are fa a good ttate ot piereiTation aad la excellent work in order. To rrB--Cr wishing to parchaw mnh property, wa wll 1 a-11 at private ale until tbe 16th day of April next, wben If tb) property il not preriously dlvpoaed of we wiU expaaa tba e-meat public on the premias. Termaof sale, one third cash, balanoa in 6 and 12 months. For further iof -raation apply to HENRY fl.

COLLINS, No. Wood satreet, I'itUburgh, or to tbe onderaiffaad, at Madison, 1, WM. H. DUNN, CK.WALl.Kla, JXO.M. rRltKMAW, mrSulAwGwT Auisoees ofU.


PHILLIPS, STRiKER rt JENNINGS, Eos. 1 3 Bank Street, Below Market, Between fcKOOND and THUD atreeta. PUIUDKLPHU. Dr. II.

T. F0Bi STILL CONTINUES HIS NEW VEGET-AHLK PBAOTICH. IiiK OBo West end ot PVnnarlTa-ale Areone. (KourLb at. Koad) JCaat end of Dlamad et nrtJbnreh.

Pa 'a nollmitd lasceulB Aente and Chronic Dlaeuee einaot be eqaaled ia ac of the medical praetfo of the Ir.e-nt day. mrlBidawtrP SAMUEL HAMcracresia or PINE AND CEDAR WARE, Aad Dealer la WILLOW WASB, TOTS, Ko. 21 Diamond, Pittsburgh. KEEfS constantly on band an extensive acd rarfod strca ofartlclte aoitafole for hoasrkeea er, to nnn.rGci to mntioD. P.rar-n, an.

thine in the line are to eall and thia atok. manoractnrai to auit the trade. U-lar l.klng tlwwh-re. sail3nid Mechanical Drawing and Engiseerinfr. ri-'HE UNDERSIGNED WILL EXECUTE M.

with aeatneaa and dlipatch ail klnda of HECHAXWAL DBA H7JV67. I aligns fjr Mtohlnerr. Patent OOoe Drawing, eta. Mar aetn at all titnaa at the oftle of K. E.

aloSowia. Cur nrguLtor. No. inn street. Pittrbnrjrh.

mrlo.lmd A HKDDAEUa. xSeumfacturing Sites I LOTS of one or two acres, aituated ball twees the Mar ie al and the boroegh ofkfan ehstr. Ttea lots are aomtrablr located, bavins: a river lront with -ierp water for a iaodine and bounded on the rar bj th dpot of the piifburch and CITland Han Road and, b-ioe on the ame land, switch will rea'liir connect th P. a o. road on with trie tor' Warne a I'lilcigo Koal.

Knanlrecf J. SOUOONSl AKKK, mri6 Mo. 4 Wood streeV Kirtlar.d't Fine Obeniei. STRONG PLANTS 4 to 6 feet on torka 1 re.r; Klrtlanl' Black Hawk, Delicate, Pon. t.c.

Clereland. rfracdt, Hockaort. OoT. Wood aod Oa -olo. 4 ta.

pi.a, tl par doa. Ladioe Tarlarli on Mai haleo t-ck. par hundred, tiJ pr 100, mri6.qwt John mjRDQOg, jT AlKU'S ttlLHllV PEtlOKAL. roa Tea sapid ouaa or COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS. BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUOH, CROUP, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION.

taiArmitlK Aad vlQ dbpnrtH diTetaaetei ol tha lDDfT, hr fta Dfie, ben nnre trid it ovr vrerf cithor BlfaiiClD Of Its fciatd i ppa.rtDt tOUtaCtip OtMieHTaUOB, And wherv It Tirtoeri B.r knoirn. tbm public nt looker bewrtaU wbt antiiiolo ropier for the dAtrwwliiftvud daoKtDoii ftfiRctturifl ol tile) pulmotiavr uricftuaa, wblclt ax Ian lieu to our climsvLe. NothInK havi Csvilrnj loader tor th Mrtt nqiilrr mTfiicvl mD, theva tbe tvlsritiluK SHrertsvieac and utLaailt ol oooumrtiTfl cotDr liuti, nor hu ou eluior dim wtwtwe havd mors ot trtejir InTwtltttvUon Aud gata. Bat aa yet no evdexjiiat rvjmexlr bmma prcridrd, oa wbick lb eould tor from aiUMrka upon tlia ornnti, until tb iolroduotioa of tbaCbffir PrctTal. Thic artink tha product or a lc, laboriou and I twllaT RUAoea-ifal laruUh thm emati nity ocb a resHlr.

Of tbia lau tatmBt tk AtOTrtcftD peop ar cow tbamaelvaii prvAsti to luliia. aod I apiMwI with ooofli-nee to tfatr dTimi. If thSS is to tk. piacM Id hat a. oi rerr eiv and atation eertif -It ba.

Hon. for tboiTlf own ifL-v, beo wa aha dUtroui aftMtku of thi tbroat and ion? toll, ft cao ol, the a-S Qraa cf inu. t.iernt who thSi bum to know, -In abcrt. if th-r. in an ra Iwlc VtWau dom nltT and dom mm tha olaM of diia it i.

lUmuL "d.til nth'n that tiS Lli fha ahould know lu 1Z Vh 'i10 wlm to tlvcB. a il tbonid DOW IL. tor heaairh rtki kbu a. a.i jhould hf.eirf.u awd har.but oolr in uu wunirir. now raitbiuiir wa hara fd on this convktiou, 1c ibown In th tactllLt alrasdy tbis article aaa made tha eireiti cf tba aloha.

Tha ma eii oclUlim t. No la without and unt le-w people. Aitbouffb not in ao genrI as tn other natioua mi iu thi. it la etoployau br tba mor mUi.ient la ltm-rt all oountri. It 1 axnatralr m-hlcred in both Afaarlraa-in K-irepv.

Aria. Africa. Aiu-tralia and th Ut off inlanda of tba n. Li a dftr to IU pi Btv-sesor. tbora ae hen, and they sraxp at valuables rnn'iijr with -tij nsorei avidity than Unitka mmt i reparation, of ita kind, it it an ir tJQBit Aompf Si-tlon material.

Htill It la affordwl to tha ubiio at araaafinablr tew and ahat ta of vaatly mora im-r- rUQCw? to tham. la naver to d-Wlna frnm ita oriiciuai atandard or axeellacee. Kvery botlla o( thia median, now ttaDtxraeturad. ta aa rood aa cmha. haean made heretofore, or aa wa ara eapabta of making.

No tnil nr ar-t in at I. taints fir it in the tetrtet bvr frecttoa'wbich it i pomihia to procuea. Hanca tha pat last who procur) tba senuina Jttaaax PlcroBat. can tlj ok baTlKti- AAod an articla aa haa crar baan had br thoM mho ttMrtlfr to it nurea, Br puraulDK I hi oouraa I hara tha hop or doing anrna gnod in tba world, a. well aa tba aatjaiaeUon of balWriMatt that much ha baen dona a'rcadr.

Prep-wed bjr Ir- J. 0. AYER, Practical and Anatylical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Hoi by 8. A.

rABNKSTOCK A OG Wbolaeala Ac-nf-Plttanrgb, aod by aU Uruggi-U and UdMam Sailarl txi'JW; 1 il A (rs York Car Works, TOMK. PE.VAA-, ILLMIEB SMALL Are prepared to furnish Coal and Freight Cars at ahort notice at fair prloee and ea terms to rasBonribl nartiM. I -mpanee. Cval oparatora and otnera ererelerrad, ae to the eharaetri rmr wn.k anaraettr ot a ear Oars la Pnnlv.n!.. The We-ttaoreland Ooal Company, F.ttabnrah.

Pennsylvania Kailroad do Heaara. Joha fcoctt A Oo, Wm. B. Stoat Co, Ilar. Warj.n, Ehaw A Co, oo.

Kleoard Kelly. arttburA. rhartiei-a final ATOTICjS is hereby given that an election 1 toil-snT wdlhTh id of JOHa IUCM "Hon ef.w th. 18th eayof Ad hoar, cf 1 and il o'clock. if xu tae TaiiJir-ON PRIOB, K.

UU S-7U bbie, packed in oau.and'lt bu jjl laadla. from rpHIS REMEDY ia offered to-rsf-- al the community with the confidence I i la fel in an article which seldom lalla I I to realls. th h.ppieat crra that can I rejT no wid is tbe fiatd of its na 1 I I fuloa and eo numr na ita 1 1 "Aay cure, that elnxMit OTrrr section of tu" iatw eountrr abound in pobllolr -known, who have bon rtt.rrf fmn Hon la tb hut two ilsja, tban in any peuoa Of the earn length aiooe I kae teia your ear-rtspoadeaL Tk Genstal Appropriatioa bill wa oooaidered in Committee of toe Wkole eater la la tk Honte, aad on motion of 11 r. McOalmout, aa additional on kandred thousand dollat were Interted for aJooallonsl purpose. If this be en (fared to reatin, there will be ac appropriatioa of $180,000 given to the eommoo aeboola of the Btato tki year from lb Treasury Thla addition, to th School Fund should bare beea made yeare ago.

If Ike 8'ate were totally aatmberraaeeJ tnanetaily, the thould appropri. at at leaat kalf a million per aoaum to the ta- ored purpose of edaeating her you k. There la ao ktgher or koiler duty waieh legislator owe lo a people thaa that of scattering broad-east tk aleaoaia of light and knowledg. A few of mo members from tb old eountie or tko East, wker tk Oermauie element pre lomi-aatee, opposed Ike iaoreaee. But the Western en, witkoat any regard lor polities, vote uo4n imoualy for i(.

The fr.eudt of education in the Weal will rejoice at tki. A fisree enateet took place oeer a proposition to give (60.000 toward the enlevement of Ike Delaware diaition or lb rutin oris. 11 wa oppoaed upon lb ground ihatsouud policy required thai this cla.s of appropriation should be stopped, a Ik heavy drain that tkra works as a whole kad eaued upon the 8tate Treasury demaaded thai these workx ahould be gotten rid of as aooa as coneeBiaov, or as aocn B4 a that waa at all remunerative could be effected Tha appropriation, was, bowevtr, fioally agreed to after earing been oao strioken out. The th point ie the attempted removal 01 Mr. the aopetintendenl of the North Branch t'anl.

Tnta renileman wta elected two year by th lepulatur to thi positioa with full power looontroi sabordiaatos independent of the Canal Board. This fact net been an eyesore the board ever tinoe 1856. It hat effectually ttopped the embexiltmeat of the publ'O funds. Under hi enersaiio management the canal aaa been oompleted for ninety eix milei of it length. But iaat rear to at to acoompUon a treat good the completion of thit oanal that far ha ran ititeeo thousand dollar beyond th epeciflo appronriation for that purpoee.

Th Canal Board glad of an txcuie to overtarow mm, nnaer a law ef laet oeeeioo, impended him, aad now appeal to the legiaiatur ta remove him, and tub Jot the oanal lo their corrupt management I do aot believe the legitlatur wlldotkit. lit whole of our aide of the Houio oppow hit removal, and a number of demooratt under the load of Mr. Jenkina, of Luierne, who made an ab.a epeeoh agaiost to day. The Senate have htd, yesterday en I to-day, under oooaideraiiou the amendmentt of Mr. Penrot to the ooattitation.

That portion cf them which la intended to guard to some exteat from the future rerptiritioucf ejection frauds by exacting thirty dtym rcaiJecce in aa election district anterior to voting at any general election, ha excited the fury and icdignaticn cf demo oratio Senator. They ten in It a mean of preventing th esaMmeat of th gigantla frauds of last yar Tney fear that if to long a rest-dene be required it will oet more money thaa even the federal o-ffers can supply to colon its so extensively ajttio. It ia a most cSeotivo blow aimel at their aoecdsuoy if itcanobly be gotten into a fositi.n ao as to ba tubmilted to int people. All cf yiur baaka have biei reported upon af nrmativelf bt the Committee upon banks. I cannot tsy how many of them will patt.

I think itrrobtbla that yoa will let one bat whtoh on that will be, wilt depend upon eircum ttaneea. 1 think il will bt either the Iron City or Allegheny. The Bank of Beaver County hat been taken up la the Senate upon motion of Senator Harris aad paused through that body. Dr. Utitam had a bill relative to the treaaar er of Pitt lowaahip ia your oouoty, paiaed through th Benat.

Th governor hae at ytt made no appointmeu to the Supreme Bench, and will not until after the meeting of the convention. On thit yoa may rely, unlets his mind undergoes a change. it. for taa rtttsburab. tiesette.

Eai theMiieonri Comprom'ne Act been Legally Decided to be Dncomlit rational! Chief Jostice Taney aad teveral of hie asso eiate Jastioas, have given it as their oimoo that the act of 1J0, cmmuly called the Mtseoar Compromise Act, ia necioatitutionai, buc we aek hae tne bupremt Court 0 Ui Lat'edIateaaJjU ai it to be aoT We thiuk ao auch deoi-ioa hat been rendered. A judge la any Court may ex pre at kit opieioe oa any tarjeol ke pleeeu, but hi op uton are legally blading caly to far at they relate to queati ue actuary aad legally at la.ur mere fore if the oooeliluueneitie cf the Mieeouri Comprwmiee aol was net the queetion at leeue before the supreme Court, any opinion expreae ed upoa thit tutject are pare gratuitooe aad in ao decree blading. Soutt eue for freedom under the plea that residence north if toe line So io', in a State where by this act eiavery was prooit.ned re. dcrel him a freeman. But it appear that ke eras free so long at he remained la Illinois, and only becam a alee eg 4m whea voluntarily returned to the tjtate cf MUtiuri.

The Coootttotton aad law of each particular State though binding within that ti ate so far as they are But Inconsistent to th eon'Utntion of the Catted titateeare, aevertkrleee, not ad Ir-g opoa Ibe eitists of ai.y other dtate, and ao man caa the protection cr tne laae tI any one state looarer lhaa he le actually a reatdenl within itt limits, nnleea he bo a bona ie 01 1 i tea of thai ots'e, aad teapoilly abeent, aid, ex cept to far aa lie ited by the ojootitotioo cf the Called States, the Juriedictioa 0' each particular stato It absolute withia her own territory, and there ie no elauee ta the CoKSiltotioa whioh would prevent the legislature ef any 8 tat a from teixiBg and calling into every aay free person bora within termor; not voters or bona tie eitliena of anr other State. L'aleee, therefore, Lred Scott wee a ioua file citiiaa cf Illinois an I entitled to the protection of that Stale, and cf the Lotted Stale at pro ttdtd ia th firal I irt cf th second section of th artici of tli Couatitonco, to wit: that th citizen of Stat? shail be an pitied to the privilege and iramuuiiie of eitiiena in th eeveral Blaiee,"", this were the oate hit Imprisonment and return to eiavery wet legal ia Missouri, and not opposed to tLe Coot. notion of the tmted state. A British bora to hi act coming lo th United Statt la only entitled to the protection of the United States to long a he remain within our territory. We ar not bound to protect him if a leave 0 and goo to a foreign State or prov.

lne oalee he ha previously taken the oala of allegiaaee aad beocma a tona Jidt citizen or tne United States, and even theo, if he return to hi own country, hi anvereiea can, or at all vent, would olaia hit allegiance. I)rtd Boot! waa bora a tlave la Missouri, and by aot of Coogrert would have tecu trued and relumed to that Btrte had heb'ioa fugitive; but he was voluntarily taken by Lis matter iuto the State of Illinois, by the lawn if that State became free, and th conatitutloa dort not pro vide for th retnrn of negroes accused cf no erime aad aot fugtlmet from laoor But though by th lawt of 11110011 he beeamt free, bo doe aol become a oitueo of that state but it mtrtly entitled to the protection of the Bute lawt ia hit perton and property in tne tame meaner that any foreigner It proteoied, who, although he may hold property and tut for hit due, it aevertaeleea not aoitizen, and ta entitled to the protection of the State only while he re- memo wi'hin ttt jurisdiction. Hence, had Ilred Scott beea teited ia Kentucky inntead of Mlceou ti, nettner the Legislature of Illinois, or the Supreme Court, or tko Congress of the United Slitet, eould have interfered In hit behalf. But the actual oat against him ie far harder, lie wet teited in the State la which be wte bora end which still claimed hi allegiance. He 1 a lav by th laws of that Stat, and th aame act of Coegrees which prohibited aud mad slavery illegal North of lh Northern boundary of that State, permitted and legalized it South of thai boundary.

Thus Ui aame act of Congrae which would hav mad him free (but notaeititen) whea North of that line, permit him to bo held a a lav when Sunih of it. It 1 erideat than that thi tuil wat not brought in a manner to teet the constitutionality of th aot prohibiting Slavery north of 86 8ty. Ircd Scott waa legally a alar ia th Stat of Miaaoorl and therefor eotiU aol lue. Th could only hav been brought had iired Scott beea by the voluntary act or hi master ia Nebreeke or om other territory of the United Statee north of the line 80 BO'; theo had ao attempt beea mad to hold him to forced labor he eould have claimed hit freedom nuder the aot of lb20, and the question eo brought would have teeted the ooaetuutiuoality of that aot. If therefore the opinion of Chief Justice Taney aad hit Associate had been given upon the ease Ihua brought it would have been the deoiatoa of the Supreme Court cf the United Statee oa the Conattiational power of Congreee lo prohibit slavery in tne territories tint ae no euea wane wae brought, the opmiota or the Bouthera Judge agalott.

aud the Northern Judgae euppomog tne pooteeeion of thit by Coogrea do not broom legal deoinone, but merely to xprtelon cf private opinion upon th eohitet. Aad the prevlout deo tlooe rec02Bixtog too oonctilutionelity of tht aot of If 20 are will valid and it it yet be de-aided that tht aot 1 unooooutot'onal. C. M. F.

Tbtuaday Marrh Harlan. aaar MoaoagaaalaClty. by thlav. JvbB Karr. CUAi KHMlUTof fliUbarch, to JEAaNMB E.ttaaght Pen.

Tbr-wiaa li. Baif'l. DlWD rrlda Haeh ayOtb. In Hoa townably, 8 ALLY A ugh tar of Jasaag A. aad Kllcaaor U.

Urar. a gad fl jaar andU wontta 8L UaStLI. Ikmi PITTMHTJKH: MOHDAT MORSINO. MARCH s. 1857.

Ttrai: Oollere mini, in Bdreeaa- ea I II to aa the Ulewtaa aaadtllona: new lata pa eeaaet (in lea Oaetes pet i 00 aearaoee ana haedmttud late a Mo. hn eu tees ear rUta.uu Uou, by eullos Adr. earaaawts ertrVtly fanalrad. end th ree aaa wuaa liana Uaat.eaJ illrow4 RATES OF ADVERTISING. 0a ataase, fie llato at Mai aarsll a too rrttoa.

I eh aMltJoaal laaaalioa 'JA aaa I Ta I i i St' 4 00 (Ml IIU 10 Ml Da I twa avthfl.M thre atallia Bur IB 11 00 IKaB ita. Garde, (a lieo as laaj per Ulka 4 00 Oaadnller ara ed'HtWreel liaa Uaa r. hanaaahlaat pteaeute, pee aa aaaO eaeMe aaf 1 00 Twe Milan of latarwaliag reeding mat tar will b43 feaao tar trsl page this moraing. PaiieatLraiA ArroiBTwaaT. The Appoint, nil for Philadelphia hav at tail bars mtJe, a ad Bra.

aa follows: CtUtitte Jottra B. Bait af Laacaetet Coaaiy. "art Afaapw OiDioa 0. WmcDO, or Phil, ailalpbia, ml Cyieer CaiMaus McKiiaisj, of Ptll-adelpaia. araryar Joat Baaiiroa, of PhiltJel-pkla.

AgmU William Bteota, of Philadelphia. trii 00 a 8. VotT, of Montgomery Coaet. Rearlv every member ea thla lis! It aa oU of to holder. Baker kaa beta BaptrialtaJent of tha Colambie Road; Wettoott ia aa Ex Senator frem Florida; McKibbta vat Poitmaiter bare at oat time, asd bald aa Se at tha Areenal at aaothari Badger kaa bold laerative ofBott ia Philadelphia aad Yoat wo btlitve, aa Ex-at ember of tka legislature.

Baebaaan appeari la bata follow-foling for political hackf, hT. log baoa aaa aa long klmttlf. Tka appoiatmeale for Ikia eltj have been pott-paned till atxt viator. Tko praooat inoumbentt wara aot eoaSraed by tko 8eoete aatll aboot 15 moatko afloT tbalr firat appointment, and tha Trealdeat ooettraet tkair eommlttloaa ai roa alog from tka date of their aoafinnatioa. II will aake ao sew appointments, ka teja, until tkair eommltetont tiplre.

Thia, we take it, la altogether oofair to who ever Bay be auseaaofal among the aapiraata, It giro to tk iuoumbant a loaie of yrara, aad to tkair aooeeoera of oaly 1 taara; for wkea wteome ioto power ia thewkole batoh will be ewopt oat, regardleta of tb data of their eom Blaeloae. Fair play la a jewel aad we eubmit ta tka Preaideat wkether ought not to sake tha dletribotioa af boaora equal betweea the appolataee of the paet aad praeeat admlnlatre- tloaa. It la aoaa of oar baeiaoes, baweeer, aad we would baea ao right ta gramklo if the preoent Peotaseater were aot removeo at all, for be make aa eioelleat offioer aaj if we are to take the lata appointment of Steward at the Marine IIos. pltai aa a apeeiaea of what I ia reaerea for oa aexl year, the poblio would be a ceiaer by aa ladinatta poatponemeat ef the whole affair. Why, tkat appointment waa ao bad Ikat eeea tk ieI orlad eat agaiaat it.

Tkiag most have aoaa ta their eery wont whea a democratic ap-aolatmoat aaa extort a groan from that ehaet. Taa Niwcanne Bax The failure of tki baak appear to be a bal oae. The oa-hler hs led, leaeing a danoiancy ia hi aooooBt of $50,. 000, aad tha preaeat reedy Bean of the beak bar all beea xheaate by the te ly drala upoa It aaaaed by teadiag it paper boa. Tka di.

re tor Br making aatieo tffjrta to arreet Wo. oaeauaa, tk defaulting cashier, aad we hope Ihey Bay aaeeeeJ. Tk baak kaa baea aaforluaat la It oboloe Caekler. It (affered aader it tret aaaag-Beat, beeauae tka ieesl etoekholder left every. Iklag ia tk kaa I of tk okming alrentarere from tb Ewt wb got eoatrol of it; aai whea at Ul thae war got rid of, aad lb atoekkold-ara took tk BaaageaeBt late their own kaa te.

they baea found all their koaeet and earnest ef. fort tkwartcd by tk eo'e of tkair Caeblar. kae (eery raaia to belleee that tko praeaal Direct or of tko Dank are kooeet mea, aad are aura that fiey kaee aot beea pr'ia Bar aakemo ef fraud or aot of If there ha beea aay eorraptaea praotiae it ha aot beea with their kaowledg ar oonoieeoe It waa Ikeir mlf irtue tkat they diJ aot begia tkair work aarly oaaogk, aad it i karJly too aaoh to sr tkat it waa Ikeir fault that tkty did aot watok tkair Cashier mar oloealy. Tb beat tkiag tk Director eaa bow de I ta aak a frank and full ata'aaeal af tb aoadi tloa af the Baak. No matter bow bad It ooa.

dltloa Bay be, let the poblio kaow tb worat, aad let tba kaow, also, the particulars of all tha loase Ik Baak La beea arjetd to. Ta tki tk public I fairly entitled; aad if there ka beea aay diakoaeety going oa, lot ua kaow who the guilty partlea ate. (iaw Hahpibci Elbctiuk The Concord Pa triot baa tha following reoapitulatloo and oom-pariooa ef the veto for Governor aad PrealJent la that State: 1H57. lHr.O. i i H.I70 "0 4r.

Ul nitft IVt 3 Wl XHM i Wl 4V4M 7. 3iia a4o st'-if Mil 14 axaetaet atra'r4. PMtBW -m-h 111 a VI IT 14... (armtl aarrtaiaf 4:1 44 tl A0 47 4.1... .4:1 vrl S4 '4 14JI4 tft 3 arlMI 3iwt Mai.

anahut av M- Veer (mall town ia Cooa county remain to be beard from. They gas Buobeoaa 66, Fremont 20. Tha Be aland 8 Bepublloaaa ta 4 Detao. orate; aad 11 one Damarta 121 1 Kepub. Iloaa IfM).

Three dlatriots to bo keard from. B. F. Bimaa, ieaJlog Bachaaaa politloiaa of Lowell, I dowa aick wltk tk National Hotel disease. Oeorg Giff irJ.

Eaq of Now Tork alea aick of tk earn malady. Iloa. B. F. Letter, Representative la Coagrea from Ohio, I tattlai better.

II I) able aow to walk about and attend to kia ba-leeo at kome. eaa eery Bear being earrleJ off by tk polsoa Hca. Daeld I)rrly of thla Rial 1 also oa tb aoadiag hand, altkeogh ka beta redao I I almoat a shadow. Kit. OaiTia Cottoa, wll known a tk wrt.

tar ef tka Jonioe Tracts, a aeriea of political pa. pore ef great pcpalanty la taa campeigu ef 1M0, aad also editor of tka Bpeeeke and Cor. raepoBdoB of licory Clay, died a few day doc at Savaaaak, Oa, wkl'ker bad gos la parent! of health. II was a geatleBna highly respectable character, aad a writer of oonetder-baa ability. Taa Maaek.ter (N.

Mirror say Ikat Mr. Abraham Mlin, of Wear, N. fl reecBtly (old taoBty-Rva thousand poaad of Spaaish Merino wool to partlee la Boa to a for tixty emta a peon aaeanttng $15,000. Tb wool ws of kia era raising, aad part of Ikre year' (lock. Wa actleed a taport la tka New Totk paper Friday, ta tba effect that Dr.

Walter, tb Only aorroboraliag wlta ef Farrtll la tha Bardtil Brder oat, ia bopl'y meaaa, aad waa le at Ike tiao bo gaeo hi tUaay. Owua to the pleatifal Karolly af Bachaaaa aa er aay ether (trip pf demoeratle bob la Massachusetts, the tew Preaideat baa aban 1 it I tba rotary principle la that Stat, at la aad will permit all tba aid Soe holder to tnn Una for wkil at leaat. BEAUTY, and the NATURAL CAUSES, I'REVES fltlN, 1)1 CURABILITY OF IT LM ON A li CONS 10 N. His Seoond Lecture WILL BE TUESDAY EVENING, acj on WEDNESDAY AFTEKKOON lie will Lecture to Ladies EXCJLUHIVELY- mreiwtjfs PITTS hv 1 If KKS, JOES, V7ALLIITGF0RD CO. Sueeftinrtio Warwick, ti 1 CK) JIANU FA CTUItKKK OF Right or left liand Door Spring, drop and thumb Latchon, Platform and Counter Sealua Cofieo.

Corn and Paint MilU. AID I'OSIESTIC HAKDWAKE GENERALLY. Coraar of anl Grant Strata, ja'-il Pittburt-. la. AS.

Ic LA WanufawtcrtT of a l. a COLOGNE SPIRITS AND FUSEL OIL, Noh. 161 and 170 Second Street. J. M.

I.1TT1.H MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 51 ST. CLAIR STREET, (Or. Ulah'aNew Caiiaicir.) mreiUHUH. i liti A Nr Ulanstactarar and D-a)er kn a'l kinila of Tobacro, Snuff au! (Iars, AM) Leaf Tobacco, Corurr Sinithfinld Ftreet and Piamond Alley oirfr riTTsm tA a.

KiiAHnaAm it. t.w. C. UKASHKAKS AUCTIGNEERS AND Commission Merchants EXCLUSrVEL iVti.i7 anal 19 inn Krtt, CknnnnAtv, Oht. Make libera! all conpiaments au4 act aa atnta ttr all k'Ehl cf II are aai of t.r.-wr.

Bxt an4hoa and oibrT Mtrr-bati'ilaa trr saiuntitT, tarsii.r and Sat cunt of aarh ak. Krp ooitut)f band a larB stock of Maittndta irb aa.i at prita a BsrsMiHN Bargains. i SELLING OFF TuE TKAPE. Corner Fourth ftnd -larkct Strecta. WM.

M. 1IKRSU (v uimcnee this day to dia ranee of hit at'fk tt iccb rvdncsvt nrl that it will be the lBtera: cfbu tail and exaoilna (nr them ear 1 tc JOIIiV (ic 1 1 it a I itos. MANUFACTURERS OK lrca Iron VaSiU, Vault Daurs, Wiodow y.hatirr, window Gnanln, os. 91 Scroad A s6 Third (between Wood and Markot,) Uava od hand a variety o' near niurn Sa-r anl P.ja. witabla fc-r all p-irrp rfertire'r at t.Rtt a ril wlrviM Urava LrL i teat -ti a-r-a TA? It 4QMSfc.Kll OIH.

U. IMTTSBUItGim'EKIt WtlltKS JOHES. BOYD CO, mrracrrattaa 9 CAST 8TK2L. A teH), sriUNO, PLOW AND A. It.

STEEL, SPRINGS ANI ASlES. Corner Box and Pint Streets, rtTTZHritau. s-a. a. s.

tuessa D- B. SOGERS CO. cr Steel Cultivator Teeth. ('nun Rosi lid Ftarr Pratrrs. l.V:lTa PITTaKljKlttl, FA JOliV IO 1.

I STKKKT. European Agent and Intelligence Office. a Vamll! with FerTotn irl o-ti(- irrta a a par'. turriw u-r ai, i'i w.t thow. viaMBil to rmi' l'aatf to anj ir-fn,

alLir. lirkB tbrrub rria N' I'-r A abtl l'r. ilfcd. pnta dr Hal i ''tl W. fee-rue WOOD, MOOUHEAI) or AMERICAN GALVANIZED II I 11 IN Aad Hole 0r tb- of W.BlwwiWooD'i Patent Xmititioa Saitla Sneet Iron.

ALSO Galvanized Corrorted Iron, for l-oofing. VvAiinnptft-No 14 Fiiht A Medicine Chett in a Bottle ThU re- tnalfc la aaa.icaUa In Kanaedy'a Medical DlaraTerr: fcr the fftorik of so erTawrt id the wrrl 1 erer rared eo many IndlrUtiVa f4u. a aariaty of uhufflw botttaof thi )lxital Ilaeorerr Tha eolnaiea of ottr pa por. If thr vara inerea-fd thrre fU, mnd nnt tnotaln a ouart-r istt of iU aaaie of th hvo, eiiiT'i ef fet-roful. Kr palt Khruw, Lumor'agutl i paibful afed

hi I no itTjprmtad atatetaent, a we har erlPratt-a from who hare be-ao cur il tit aod the blaryirarr tn tb tTrjwhfr, IIAT.SCAI'S AND KUItS. '('K)KP O. KKTAII. II is, 11 3, 1 3 1 ll.a tUe. Street.

a' 'a lu" nl tt Whole alo Mt-tl fif afl Ihm l.LW-r A TH' tv. Irif.t tentl' ajai-rw, i i a t) 0 8 US A 0 BY MAURICE 5USZ. Frtmt HatiUo rarlviriiLD ttrnBvr, wirm Vaoats ALL.r rirrsanaoa. rl auiaaji OOLIJNS- (NrTTiwoaft a. a.

r(AifaLAi. Agriccltural are ho use, AND HEED STORE, No. 129 Hood Street, PITTSBDRflll. W. H.

WRIGHT. Ao. S'l timrlh st, bttwr Owrf and M(rk1 tit. I'lTTNMI IKJtl, PAb, Miinufiu-lurets of and lealorn in ALCO- llliL. aai flNK OI1.H, OAH Kl TURKS.

ati'I all aiuJa of ClianUllera. airen e-llai nttlnit, R.iiiMlna; and Braaa Cat-Iijk oT'ifr hcrt -'ihe atpore (Ilia auppliwl r.Kularlf averr frnm any aagon. QlioTwTGRKiG KEO MANUFACTURERS, C-rr. ni an I A'cVmto, 6A Ward, PiTTtBoaou, Pa. Manufiicturo Pine and Cak Kegs of the vailonn flM-Tlftinr).

Naii Katas.wiitsh ttl(r will Belt st til. fimul Bn.l.l erc iiira a aolie tad, raaiad el iba bml qualltr AH Wirt WW dl lyaia WILLIAM M. H1CKSH, Tiirner of Marki and Fourth StrU, tiBAua is GENTLEMEN'S' FURNISHING GOODS, e-Ordr BTomptlr attaodiidto jaliilrfe Prof. Vood'i Hair Kestorer A RetU Hvir Rlorr. Mr, irWiniu Jooir, MtiiodIf7t cJeirayuifD, riifins in WMtmorf laod ooaoti, jf Lbtvt hii hfcir batl b-n MtHtift rmj fox tbw ltwt twtotr Jr, mod was dUMNi to fall ant.

lie mfd two bctU)of Prof. Wocd Ualr RtMtorr, which DtirlT tf th- Jalllnc out tba batr ihe balr reatHQd Ita orijpn1 aoior, and ba kept tba color now tor nlnfl montha. Thin ia a eommoB faate bat wa pabiiab ft twacanm It If Bar home, an that tba puhiie mar ba or.nTl04 that Wood'a Hair RiHtora what It parporU to ba. dl cue, two and tbraa itrilin tl. at Dr.OltO.

P. No. Wood at wbniealaa nd rtli wBfc. Deainest Auricle This is a nQW ar- U. tt frr Dfbaj-, that wta mwAwicaiiy aad a fora te-jiMr.

Fall rartiiTiUra bymatl. opon tba woalpt of a WboIsMa! Dea IW Wcod at Htb Mfttar, I a six am, fajiai. U0CT0R3 OAZZAM 4 FLFMIUQ. OFFICE 5 SIXTH STRKET, lASmae riTTSBlKGU, PA. A -Ntjawa,.

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