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The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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MARION FOSTER WELSH. 1 Inherits Much of Her Father' Tl- ent for Mnalc IT WF RECOLI.ECTIOXS OP THE COMrOSEn Will be two rousing, rattling, roaring Bargain Days just such aswill bringpeopie by thethousand to GREATER PITTSBURG'S GREATEST STORE. The Fauailrr of the Hernifti Hoth-frhontl rrwtl PoMal July 2. Dr. P.

Phelon, of Chicago, founder ami promoter of the Hermetic Brotherhood Olrvle of Isis, has reopened his tight against the cnndals of ihrf poptoftlce department, ho lust February lnnued an order excluding certain Matter of ihe brotherhood from the mails, end threatens to go to congress for redress. A United Slates senator from one of the western states has taken an Interest in the matter. The chief grievance of Pr. Phelon 'was that a dlao, with instructions for its usw. was denied the privilege of 4he malls.

The disc is about the size of half a dollar, consisting of pasteboard and covered buckskin. For this $1 was charged. The directions for its use required that a plce of ribbon, of whatever color Dr. Phelon may see fit to name, be placed through a hole In the dlse and attach it to the neck of th wearer, letting the disc rest over the heart. Every night before going- to sleep the wearer is required to fix his mind on the disc ajid repeat the following formula: "By the power of the awful Tet-Ora-Gram-Ma-Ton, whose emblem I wear, I demand from the Invisible source of supply health, happiness, peace and plenty." Before arising in the morning the wearer says: "By the power of the awful Tet-Ora-Oram-Jla-Ton, whose emblem I wear, I demand from the ruler of the day, during the day, all that light signifies to man." These words, the directions say, are to be repeated in a low breath as solemnly as possible.

Further directions state that the disc will do no other persons any good, for it is especially polarized for that particular person only. When it has finished Its work it must foe burned or the user will suffer. Dr. Phelon has addressed a letter to the officials of the law division of the department saying that his patients accuse the administration of extortion in Increasing the price of transportation to them over 1,200 per cent, by compelling them to receive the disc by express. He has violated no law.

he says, and claims the rights as a taxpaying free American citizen to use the mails. He states that he has a few friends In the next house of representatives who have assured him that they will have investigated the real cause for the indignities heaped upon him and the Hermetic, "brotherhood by the postoflice department. flOVT DKA1X THE ST. I A WHENCE. Xo Fears Felt Over the Chicavu DraliiHM'e tnnnl.

1,000 Ladies' new style, unlaundered, soft finished Waists, in fine Percale or Lawn; new collar, full sleeves and corded yoke; worth 7oc, at 5,000 Ladies' Laundered Shirt Waists, in Chambray or Lawn; new and yoke; regular QQp price 75c and 1, at JuU Ladies' fine Laundered Shirt Waists, in new fast color Lawn, Chambray or fancy wash, materials; best New Belts, with stylish buckles, in black, white and gilt, Silk and Mohair belting; extraordinary I Ca values at 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c and jli A Chicago dally Journal has taken cognizance of the efforts of the "Press" to arouse Interest In a movement, to erect a monument to the wag writer. Stephen C. Foster, and In Its last- Sunday edition rave an Illustrated sketch of his life, also an Interview with the composer's only daughter, Mrs. Marlon Foster Welsh, who has been a resident of Chicago for many years. Mrs.

Welsh was still a child when her father died, but she has a distant rec-. olleotlon of the latter years of her father's life particularly of his residence In New city. The Interview with her will be 1 found interesting: "I was pet," said Mrs. Welsh, In re-" counting his recollections. "He took me everywhere with him.and I was the only one who was allowed to Invade the sanctity of his where he wrote his songs, i These hours of song-composing were try-i ing ones to my patients, and I fear I frequently made them doubly trying to rr.y I could not quite understand how he could suddenly change from my gay, almost childlike companion of the street to the thoughtful, preoccupied, almost Mern, man of his study.

There he could not bear the slightest noise or Interfer-r ence with hla work. He would become so Ladies' Duck Blazer Suits, in dark or light patterns, trimmed with white washable braid, regit- CO a lar price $1.75 and $2, go at If Ladies' Fancy Summer Wash Dresses, in Lawn or Dimity; new, wide, double ruffle skirt; very styl a For fhs "Fol Come to-day or to-r and take your choice thousands of chic and Sailor Hats (like above all trimmed and in Milan, Chip, zt! fancy braids; black, brown, navy or mixed, kl" 25C. 1, 1. 75G. tl I IN New Yokes, made of fine Swiss embroidery, in open work effects, new shapes; (HOC At $1.50 and.

ZD ishly made; regular price 5 and $0, at SI. 85 Silk and Satin Neckwear, in Tecks, Shield and Band Bows, plain of finish throughout; regu colors and lancy styles: choice Sir lar price at 69c at only ZjL Jap Fold ins: Fans, handsomelv 1,000 Ladies' finest Shirt Waists, such celebrated makes as the Derby, Fisk, Clark made of finest decorated; special values at I CJL 25c and JU Ladies' Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and with printed borders; Chicago, July 2. Little importance Is at Plain or materials in newest styles; reg II IIT II Ladies' Tailor-made All-wool English Covert or Cheviot; new style Blazer Jacket and full organ-pipe skirt; regu- ft A lar price and $10, OZlD Girls' and Misses' Wash Dresses, stylishly made, trimmed with washable braid; sizes 4 to 14; QEn worth $land $1.25, Girls' Misses' Summer Dresses, in? English Wool-mixed materials, stylishly made," Cft sizes 4 to 14; worth $3, j(Ju rancy, me Fancy, tl ular price if 1.75 and tached by the sanitary district trustees to the report that the Canadian government will investigate the effect of the Chicago 98c a 50c kind, $2.23, at new designs and colorings; price Cm only All-Silk, Satin and Gros Grain 2 to 3 inches wide; all col Leghorn Hats for l' BP Ladies' fine Silk Waists, in Taffeta, India or Fancy Wash Silks.made according to the latest prevailing fashions; worth Black or White, ors and lancy stripes; go at I Qa 15c per yard and I Zu SI.89 go 1 MRS. MARION FOSTER-WELSH. completelv absorbed in thought that I think ha loat sight of my identity as well as my presonce.

I would occasionally Take Suit or Bov Any Man's break in on his preoccupation with the rattle of a toy or some exclamation which would arouse his ire In an Instant. I think on such occasions he entirely lost wight of my being his. daughter, merely regarding me as the author of noise, the same ns he would regard a mouse or a slamming shutter under the same cir cumstances, something to be gotten rid of 3 jmr- In Kaufmann's Entire Stock drainage canal upon the level of the St, Lawrence rlvex. Gen. Man.

Gildersleeve, of the Richelieu' Ontario Navigation cornpuny, is sold to consider the matter a subject worthy of international action, because he thinks the present low water in the St. Lawrence will be much aggravated by the opening of the canal at trie soutn-ern end of Lake Michigan. Trustee Lyman 10. Cooley, who is thoroughly conversant with all the engineering features relating to the drainage canal, called attention to the fact that In l(sSl the Canadian i government deepened' the rapids below Ogdensburg from 10 to 1(1 feet. This added from (i to per cent, to the free channel.

There was great alarm felt for fear that the level of Lake Ontario would be considerably lowered and dually the matter was thoroughly Investigate! by tlen. t'omstock and Col. McFarland, of the United States engineer department. The conclusion was tuat the effects would extend to no groat distance and that the level of Lalie Ontario would not be impaired. Similar cases are presented by the lime kiln crossing? of the Detroit river and at the St.

Clair Hats. "It is estimated," said Mr, Cooley, "that the water passing down tins St. Lawrence will be diminished from 2 to 3 per cent, on the opening of the drainage canal. If a ti to 8 per cent, diminution in 1M did not affect the level, certainly a per cent, will not." CAHXKGIE CtI.M(iS. A New County Brldae Cn.r Horn Nearly Completed.

Carnegie, July 2. (Special) The Pittsburg Bridge company has a large force of men at work constructing the stone abutments for a new Iron and steel bridge over Chartlers creek at Chestnut street, The borough has provided a foot: bridge nearby. The county commissioners estimate that the bridge will cost from $12,000 to $15,000. The procedure dissolves, the old scarecrow argument of anti-annexa-tionlsts that the town would have to. keep up the bridges in ease of consolidation, and verities the old saying, "Once a county bridge always a county bridge." The new car barn and power house of the Carnegie, Craf ton Pittsburg Elec at once at all hazards.

1 soon learned to respect the absoutlon of his 'composing and never to interrupt him while thrv were on "We went out a great deal in those days to parties, theaters, etc. At the theaters his love of good music and execration of For Half the Marked Price! had often made it very inconvenient lor the rest of us. It was no uncommon thing for him to jump up all of a sudden and bolt right out of the theater if some of the work of the orchestra, did not suit him. But altogether our life was very- pleasant then and my fathers death In a severe blow to us Mrs. Welsh' Inherits much of her fath- I op er's talent for music.

She has three chil Walk from counter to counter, 'examine stack afte stack, try on as many suits as-you please; then, having made a satisfactory selection, just note the price marked on the ticket and deduct A Is tric Railway company, situate on East one-half. If the suit is marked $H) you pay or if the ticket says $20 you pay. 10. That's all there is to it, Xo bluff about this no mistake, no splurge, no trick, no delusion. You simply pay the salesman one-half the price marked on the ticket, and, as everybody knows, our usual marked price is invariably the lowest in town.

This sale is for a limited time only, and will terminate as soon as present stocks have been sufficiently reduced. Main street, Carnegie, is approaching should be Teady use In two or three weeks. This building will hold as many if not more cars than the barn at Point Breeze, and is to be operated on an improved system. The elec-trim line has already made ejftensive inroads upon the panhandle railway's passenger traffic ami will continue to do so. The street cars will carry passengers at commutation rates of 00 trips monthly for SU.M.

Thur-ralla-av ni'icB lu nttll 4 7.I. dren, Jessie, aged 19. Matthew, 17, and Mabel, It. All of them have decided mus-t ioal talent, little Mabel giving especial promise of Inheriting her grandfather's great musical talents. Mrs.

Welch, though not a com-joser, writes music readily, and can trant (er to paper any melody which catches h.v fancy almost without effort. In referer ce to Foster himself the following extra it will doubtless be read with interest: "Foster is described as 'biing rather tall and slender, with a preoccupied air which at times amounted almost to He formed few close friend-? seeming to prefer being alone with his own thoughts. His favorite haunts were the neighboring woods and t.rems, where he had opportunity to hold communion with nature in its most attractive form to a mind of poetic "About this time he composed several of his famous nepro melodies, beginning with 'Louisiana- and by 'Old 1'ncle 'Oh I 'Way Down etc. It la worthy of notice here that at this timevoutiy Foster had never been south of Mason and DU--on's line, and his ideas of. negro ehar-: acter and dialect must have been gathered either from fugitive slaves or such free colored people as he chanced to meet about I'lttsbur.

there isa notable lack of keen insight Into the real character of the southern manifested in Foster's songs. The genuine plantation darkey was a very different being from Foster's "delineation. Surrounded by all the depressing and brutalizing tendencies of slav-ery, without any hereditary racial lnutlnets tr subsequent educational training to de-' velop that love of home and its environments so dear to the Anglo-Savon heart. IIIHISIIW KM)KAOR TO 1IOSTOX, Picnic Supplies, I 8 Ladies' Low Cut Shoes. ani a Straw Hat With wbifp fit ir Irs art( hnnArv pn.

S129 or the Fourth? the southern negro of Foster's tints' wan ameled worth fcl.iu, fQ at 80 Will leave via I'cuiih vlvuula Rull- roiul 'July A. 31. The rate from Pittsburg going and returning, all rail, $15.50 for the round trip; going via rail and returning via boat to New York, the round trip. Those de-Hiring to remain over night in New York can do so, leaving for Boston the following day, making a daylight ride between Pittsburg and Boston, or those desiring to go direct through to Boston can leave New York at ,10 or 11 p. arriving at Boston the next morning.

Persons desiring to go in advance of the and boat from New York to Boston and return to New York can do so at rate of $11.50 for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale from July a to 11, good to return until July ill. In'Cnrpet'H We have floored prices to clear the way for flooring-our stock, Come now, and you'll strike chances at flood Short lengths of. Ingrains and Brussels are being closed out at a price reduction that ID will pay any who need carpets to investigate. KEECH, to Hill Penn avenue, II.

H. Women's and girls' bathing suits. For two- quart Picnic careless, happy, good natured soul, who, if he ever had a thought of home and mother when away, gave little evidence of regret or melancholy In his "The remarkable thing about Foster's songs, is that, though failing to portray negro' character --us it really, existed, they not only molded Ihf outside 'world's conception of tlMt character, but gave a decided 'bias to the Idea in which his white owners and associates regarded him. 'Moreover, It is unquestionably true that the sentiment of Foster's snng-t did much to mold the negro's own We of himsiif. Viewed from this standpoint, these sim 100 Ladies' Silk Umbrellas, with very.

finest Dresden handles; handles alone are worth from to our price for the Jl complete umbrella Ladies' fine Lioua Kid Oxford Ties, solid leather, patent tipped, tizes li to" regular price $1.25 per pair, JJ Ladies' genuine grain leather, Tan color Oxford Ties, tipped, flexible sole, low heel, sizes to 7, would be Q7p cheap at $1.50. go at I Ladies' fine Vici Kid Oxford ible sole, opera toe, low heel, turned or welt sole, sizes 3 to 7, widths 0 -A to worth 0 I I 0 Ladies' Brush Kid Hoa'ed Shoes, solid leather.sizes to actually worth 7 1.50 per pair, at I Ladies' Liona Kid, Lace, Heeled Shoes, patent tipped, opera toe and common-sense heel, sizes I) to worth $2, at 0 I I Ice Cream Freezers; celebrated "Peerless" make; worth Ficnic Plates 4c per doz Picnic Knives and Forks 8c per Picnic Spoons ................83 p2r doz. Picnic 5q per dozr Picnic Baskets 4c each. Picnic Tumblers, extra strong, at 3s each, at 3c each, Picnic Rush Seats. 4c each.

ple, touching melodies have performed a double purpose. While pleasing with their exquisite sentiment and pathos they have no doubt exerted an elevating Influence ot the peoplo of which they are 'flu1 sums acknowledged for the Foster memorial to Additional just the thing for a Fourth of KfJ July "trip, go at JUli Men's Dress Suit Cases, made good and nice ones all-wool, navy blue, fast color, trimmed white braid. Bovs' bathing suits, also all-wool, as abovp. BoGGS UL'HL. of solid leather; never sold lor 1 on wrt no mi ir oo jit oo less than our price.

I'nniKol. We want to close out the balance left of n. m. ilrg. Lucy Carnegie J.

liny Brown Jchu.Haworth ti. Arbuthnot Vilham A. Stone (SeniKP Von. Honnhorst John Oripp 1.. It.

Ceorgo Shiran, Jr. Charles S. Guukp, of Irwin. them quickly; so if low prices are an In id oo i ducement, they should all be gone before If you do, and desire one com SUMMER NECESSITIES. Ladies' Fine rSerlin Kid, spring Ladies' Shirt, Waist Sets, gold or silver plated; actually worth Zn 25c per set, go at Ladies' Fine Belt Pins, sterling silver plated; reduced from luc P.

Y. V. I j. Mr. and Mrs.

J. J. Vandergrift 10 HI )(0 'Si oo 2 oo 1 10 no oo no lo oo 5 iH) 5 l0 13 00 heeled Button, patent tipped, July 4. II. LYNCH, f.iS-i to Market M.

72VWJT Twice Henteneeal to Ilium'. Atlanta, July 2. Will Myers has been sentenced to be hanged August 2. Myers murdered ''on-st Crowley. Myers has twice been, convicted and twice sentenced to hang.

His attorney will endeavor to set a new trial. R. B. to 7, square toe, flexible sole, sizes J. E.

Schwartz K. T. J. McF: Attorneys' Dollar widths A to worth $2.50 per A pair, at I IT 29 Fuai to liu Hardwood Refrigerators; with all the latest improvements; zinc lined; charcoal fi 1 1 worth $3.50, AIUKVUST! Cl TRIAL. bining style and quality without paying an extravagant price for's the place to get it.

Have just placed on sale an entirely new line of Men's fine Straw Hats which we bought at an erf tremely low figure, and offer them to you on the same basis. They come in all the latest braids, viz: Split, Sennet, Mackinaw, Dunstable, Shin-kee, three different dimensions; prices arc: 44c and 93c. 4.98 Gas Stoves; the Those who wish to take advantage of thsss offerings must corns to-day or to-morrow, as latest improved.with two cooking holes; ft worth $2.50, at 0 I I7U Hie Case Is Cloxely Watched for Its desprend Interest. Chattanooga, July 2. The second trial of the seventh adventlsts of Graysville is in progress.

D. W. Reaves, seiretary of the American Religious Lilier-ty associntion, and C. 1). Bollmann, one of the editors of the "American Sentinel," thf organ In New York city, are among th' accrEcd.

This alleged Icrfal persecution ha attracted national attention to those people, and 'he resuit of the trials i anxiously awaited. Eight prominent citizens of this sec WOMAN'S GREATEST ENEMY SICK HEADACHE. And yet every woman can the number and frequency of her headaches by assisting r.a, ture by natural uieans. The genuine Carlsbad Spvudel Salt taken early in the morning, before breakfast, and if necessary at bedtime, will supply these means. Best taken when outdoor exercise can be had.

Store Will Be Closed III Oay July 4. Oil Stoves; extra well made; with two large wicks; worth $1.25, at 79 1 -qt. Mason Jars. 6Gc per doz. Jelly Tumblers, 2c each, tion were convicted of Sabbath breaking at thp March term of court and sentenced to jail.

II. II. Five hundred' figured la vn anil linen if 1.2.5 and SI. 50 wrappers, 75c, They're made with lined v.aists, and cost so much more money than thej're offered at that rot only women who weir them, but niichaais who buy to s-eil again will re aftr them. LOUtirf The Genoa Soft Brim Straw Hat.

Another Straw Hat most popular with Btylish dressers this season, in all the new braids and dimensions, on sale at 45c, 69c and 98c. Actually worth double the prices asked. STEINWAY PIANOS. CRAWFORD COX, Solo Representatives, 433 WOOD STREET. PIAXOS FOR REST, H4rr)M Baby Carriages full size, with steel wheels; upholstered in cretonne.With latest improved umbrella; price only mm S3.90 ehcious Ice Cream 00 Glass u0u3, iryuuru 1 you knotV there 's more solid comfort and genuine "consolation in chewing pppsin gum than any othir? It's made In Pittsburg, and must be good or it wouid not stify everybody, ta.1 Do you read SUNDAY PRESS.

not, why noi! 'A.

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